/ De Pree Art Gallery


Nate Young

January 6–February 6, 2020

In (re)collection, Nate Young presents an installation that interprets and mythologizes the life of his great-grandfather. A conceptual narrative, the works on view are informed by personal recollection, oral history, family relics and the unearthed bones of the horse that carried Young’s great-grandfather north during the Great Migration. Both personally sourced and historically resonant, (re)collection reflects on the ways in which identity is formed through action and circumstance and transformed by archive and memory.

Young received his MFA from the California Institute of the Arts in 2009 and a B.A. from Northwestern College in Minnesota in 2004. He attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in 2009. Young's work is in notable collections, including the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Washington, D.C.; Mott Warsh Collection, Flint, Michigan; and the Fabric Workshop Museum, Philadelphia. He is the co- founder and director of the artist-run exhibition space The Bindery Projects in Minneapolis. He is assistant professor of studio arts at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Press release for (re)collection 

Artist Talk

Thursday, February 6 | 4–5 p.m.
Cook Auditorium, De Pree Art Center and Gallery

Closing Reception

Thursday, February 6 | 5–6:30 p.m.
De Pree Art Center and Gallery