Kruizenga Art Museum

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- 10 a.m.–4 p.m.
The new Kruizenga Art Museum (KAM), completed in fall 2015, provides exhibition space for the college’s extensive permanent collection and visiting exhibitions, with additional support for curation of the collections. The museum complements the De Pree Art Center, which will continue to host exhibitions, as well as provide space and resources to view and study works from around the world, spanning centuries.
The museum is being developed with an emphasis on engaging faculty and students from many academic disciplines in the study and interpretation of art. It is envisioned as an educational resource not only for the college, but for all of West Michigan.
The facility is being named in recognition of a leadership gift from Richard ’52 and the late Margaret Feldmann ’52 Kruizenga.
The museum’s architect is Matt VanderBorgh ’84 of The Hague, The Netherlands, who is director of C Concept Design, which has developed projects in 19 countries across four continents.