/ Philanthropy and Engagement

Endowed Funds

Support of Hope’s endowment is a critical investment that ensures future scholarship assistance for students and collaborative student/faculty research. It supports academic innovation in changing times.

These investments in Hope’s endowment ensure that the Hope experience will endure for future generations. 

Students who apply for assistance at Hope College are automatically considered for the endowed scholarships within the context of their financial assistance package.

Endowed FUNDS

  • 1940s Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Erik Aasen Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Alumni of Color Advisory Council (AC2) Engagement and Enrichment Fund
  • Academic Success Center Endowed Directorship
  • Charles E. and Minerva T. Adams Scholarship Fund
  • Gertrude Dykhuis Adams Scholarship Fund
  • Fred P. Adolph and Nellie Veneklasen Adolph Scholarship
  • E. Samuel and Grace Engle Aeilts Science Scholarship Fund
  • Mr. and Mrs. John Aggen Scholarship Fund
  • George I. Alden Scholarship Fund
  • Henrietta Althuis Scholarship Fund
  • Altruistic Economics Research Fund
  • Alumni Board Scholarship Fund (endowed)
  • AMDG Architects Diversity Scholarship
  • Anchor Art Merit Award
  • Henry and Signe Anderson Scholarship Fund
  • Janet Andersen Mathematics Scholarship Fund
  • Thorne/Anderson Family Scholarship Fund
  • Alfred S. Andrews Award for Outstanding Accounting Students
  • Thomas Chester Andrews '84 Creative Writing Fund
  • Barbara Dykstra Anker Scholarship
  • Apianus Scholarship Fund
  • Diana Apsey '75 Scholarship Fund
  • David & Jane Armstrong Lecture Series for the Kruizenga Art Museum
  • Arp Family Scholarship Fund
  • Arts and Humanities Faculty Development Fund
  • Arts and Humanities Fund for Student Research and Creative Performance
  • Charles Aschbrenner Scholarship Fund
  • Ken and Jean Assink Scholarship
  • Phyllis Jean Athey Scholarship Fund
  • Chaplain for Athletics Endowment Fund
  • Hilda K. Baden Scholarship Fund
  • Paul Baeverstad Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Justin Bailey '10 Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • John and Betty Baird Scholarship Fund
  • Paul and Margaret Baker Scholarship Fund
  • James Balk Family Scholarship
  • Martin '84 and Melissa Balk Family Scholarship
  • Thomas H. '83 and Mary Beth Bamborough Art Scholarship
  • Walter F. Bank Scholarship Fund
  • Robert E. and Wilda G. Barber Scholarship Fund
  • Bertelle Arkell Barbour Scholarship Fund
  • Martha Barkema Voice Scholarship Fund
  • Barnabas Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Chris Barney Summer Research Fund
  • Drs. Ryan '01 and Jamie Bass Scholarship Fund
  • Paul Gerding Bast Scholarship Fund
  • Bateman VanEngen Family Scholarship Fund
  • Don Battjes, Jr. Scholarship Fund
  • Norma Baughman Scholarship
  • Gerald & Eleanor Bax Nursing Scholarship
  • Kathleen K. and Philip E. Beal Peace with Justice Scholarship
  • Rowene Edwards Beals Scholarship
  • Chris Becker Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Mr. and Mrs. Christian Becker Faculty Development Fund
  • Clarence and Elizabeth Becker Scholarship Fund
  • Marti Beckering Scholarship Fund
  • Larry Beckmann, Jr. Scholarship Fund
  • William and Marion Beebe Scholarship Fund
  • Genevra Thome Begg Director of Libraries
  • Raymond Van Rensselaer Begg Scholarship Fund
  • Vivian Behrmann Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Belden Brick and Supply Company Scholarship Fund
  • William C. '49 and Mary Blair '44 Bennett Scholarship Fund
  • Harold E. Berghorst Scholarship Fund
  • Willard Berghorst Scholarship Fund
  • Gordon Berkel '42 Scholarship Fund
  • Paul L. and Lenore V. Bethka Scholarship Fund
  • Betke Music Enrichment Fund
  • Ernestine Klerekoper '30 Beukema Scholarship Fund
  • Captain Henry J. Beukema Scholarship Fund
  • Jeannette Aggen Beukema Scholarship
  • Herman and Margaret Beuker Scholarship Fund
  • Beuker Family Scholarship Fund
  • David Beyer Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Charles and Kathy Bibart Summer Research Fund
  • Collaborative Research in Biology
  • Biology Summer Research Fund
  • George Birkhoff English Prize
  • Harvey Blankespoor Endowed Fund for May Term in the Sciences
  • Marie Blauwkamp Organ Scholarship Fund
  • Raymond J. and Johanna Blay Scholarship Fund
  • Evert J. and Hattie E. Blekkink Professorship
  • Ruth Blekkink Scholarship Fund
  • Victor Blekkink Scholarship Fund
  • Blockstackers History Dept. Discretionary Fund
  • John A. '63 and Sharon Cady '63 Blom Education Scholarship
  • John and Sharon Blom International Summer Study Scholarship-56048
  • Judith Van De Hoef '75 Bloor Scholarship
  • Jim and Barbara Boelkins Scholarship Fund
  • George and Sibilla Boerigter Endowed DEMA Fund
  • Joshua P. 'JP' Boerigter Scholarship Fund
  • James and Susan Boersma Scholarship Fund
  • Max and Connie Boersma Scholarship Fund
  • Paul Boersma Campus Ministries Fund
  • Vernon '44 and Lois Hinkamp '44 Boersma Scholarship Fund
  • William '75 and Claire Campbell '75 Boersma Scholarship Fund
  • Ronald '60 and Sonja L. Boeve Scholarship Fund
  • Peter Bol Award Fund
  • Henrietta Bontekoe Scholarship Fund
  • Borgeson Artist in Residence Fund
  • Borgeson Scholars
  • Ellerie Paige Bos Scholarship
  • Bos Family Scholarship Fund
  • James & Genevieve Bos Scholarship Fund
  • John A. Bos '55 Scholarship
  • Dr. Leon A. '29 and Virginia French Bosch Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Leon A. Bosch '29 Endowed Professorship in Business and Management
  • Boshoven-Karreman Scholarship
  • Ivan A. and Adlyn Bosman Scholarship Fund
  • Nelson '31 and Lois Dressel '30 Bosman Scholarship Fund
  • Vern and Norma Boss Scholarship Fund
  • Rebecca Bosserd Scholarship Fund
  • Boundy Computer Science Award
  • Bouwens Family Scholarship Fund
  • Ronald and Elizabeth Boven Scholarship Fund
  • Laura Alice Boyd Memorial Award in German
  • Jack C. and Carole F. Mouw '70 Bradford Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Branch Scholarship Fund
  • Richard and Hope Brandsma Scholarship Fund
  • Bremner-Grugett-Vanderlee Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Irwin Brink '52 Scholarship Fund
  • John Brink Jr. '30 Scholarship Fund
  • Richard Brockmeier Scholarship Fund
  • Reformed Church of Bronxville Scholarship Fund
  • Phillips Brooks Scholarship Fund
  • Brookstra Scholarship Fund
  • Brookstra Faculty Development Fund
  • Jim '85 and Brenda Broucek Scholarship Fund
  • Dale Burns Brown Early Education Fund
  • Grace Marguerite Browning Voice Award
  • Erika Brubaker Awards in Literature
  • Erika Jane Brubaker English/Literature Scholarship Fund
  • Henrietta Weener '50 Bruggers Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Howard Bruggers '50 Scholarship Fund
  • John H. and Cornelia W. Bruggers Scholarship Fund
  • Elton and Elaine Bruins Scholarship Fund
  • Teresa Emeline Brunn Psychology Student Research Fund
  • Amber Buikema Scholarship Fund
  • C. Baars and Margo Bultman Scholarship Fund
  • Martha Tucker '63 Bultman Scholarship Fund
  • Al and Phyllis Bursma Summer Research Fund in the Humanities & Arts
  • Business and Economics Lecture Fund
  • Busman Family Scholarship Fund
  • Stanley Busman Chemistry Summer Research Fund
  • Mary Bussing Scholarship Fund
  • Buteyn Family Scholarship Fund
  • Shirley Ann Decker Buth Scholarship Fund
  • Ekdal and Hermina Buys Athletic Fund
  • Bylsma Family Scholarship Fund
  • Taylor Marie Bylsma Fund
  • Byrne Diversity Scholarship
  • Cady-Blom Vienna Scholarship Fund
  • Bruce Caltrider '82 and Suzanne Marceny '82 Caltrider Scholarship
  • Evelyn Spallinger Campbell Scholarship Fund
  • Gene and Dolores Campbell Scholarship Fund
  • Campus Ministries Program Endowed Discretionary Fund
  • Tom and Julie Carey Scholarship Fund
  • Carpenter Family Diversity Scholarship Fund
  • Carter Family Scholarship Fund
  • Florence Cavanaugh Dance Award
  • Robert W. Cavanaugh Senior Music Award
  • Robert Cecil Music Scholarship
  • Chelsea Milling Company Scholarship
  • Dr. Lorraine Hellenga '60 Toji Chemistry Faculty-Student Research Fund
  • Chemistry Undergraduate Research Fund (Endowed)
  • Susan M. and Glenn G. Cherup Endowed Professorship In Education
  • James and Anne Cassady Chiarelli Family Scholarship
  • Â鶹ÊÓƵ Scholarship for Children of Missionaries Fund
  • Dr. Henry A. Christian Family Scholarship Fund
  • Lance Christiansen Scholarship Fund
  • Sandra Sissing '64 and William Ruggles '64 Church Nursing and Medical Scholarship Fund
  • Kevin '78 and Jane Buter '80 Clark Scholarship Fund
  • Marion R. Van Dyke Clark Nursing Summer Research Fund
  • Class of '65 Summer Research Fund
  • Class of '66 Music Scholarship
  • Class of 1987 Scholarship Fund
  • Class of 1970 Scholarship Fund
  • Class of 2013 Accounting Scholarship
  • Classical Board of Benevolence Scholarships
  • Thomas and Nancy Claus Scholarship Fund
  • George '44 and Dorothy Wichers '44 Claver Scholarship Fund
  • Maynard and Phyllis Cleveland Family Scholarship Fund
  • William Cohen Prize
  • David and Carol Cole Faculty Development Fund
  • Dr. Alwin Coleman Faculty Research Fund
  • J. Ackerman Coles Endowment Fund
  • J. Ackerman Coles Communications Award
  • Collaborative Research in the Sciences
  • Collegial Fund for Faculty Development
  • Communication Legacy May Term Scholarship
  • De Pree Company Scholarship Fund
  • Ruth Nibbelink '26 Comstock Scholarship Fund
  • Thom and Barbara Bruggers Coney Scholarship
  • Joan Conway Piano Scholarship Fund
  • Peter C. and Emajean Cook Endowed Professorship
  • Peter C. and Emajean Cook Scholarship Fund
  • Donald W. Cordes Faculty Development Fund
  • Ralph '49 and Phyllis Dietrich '48 Cornell Scholarship Fund
  • Janet J. Cramer Scholarship Fund
  • Crew Family Study Abroad Scholarship
  • Randy '92 and Betsy Cross Scholarship Fund
  • Cupery Chemistry Student Research Fund
  • Lee and Gayle Currie Business Ethics Scholarship
  • Larry and Ruth Custer Scholarship Fund
  • Doris Boersma Dahl Art Scholarship Fund
  • Dalebout Scholarship Fund
  • George B. and Anna B. Dalman Scholarship
  • Margaret Dalman Scholarship
  • Clarence P. Dame Scholarship Fund
  • Eugene F. and Theresa Mooi Damstra Memorial Scholarship
  • Dance Marathon 'Giving Hope to Kids' Scholarship Fund
  • Danforth Religious Speakers Fund (Lecture Series)
  • Dangremond Trio Scholarship Fund
  • Robert '47 and Marguerite Danhof Scholarship Fund
  • Clarence De Graaf English Award/Lecture
  • Paul de Kruif Writing Award for Biology
  • Rev. Dr. Walter and Harriet de Velder Scholarship Fund
  • De Vries Summer Research Fund
  • Delbert '52 and Doris '52 De Young Scholarship Fund
  • Robert A. '65 and Sheila De Young Scholarship Fund
  • Jean Mason '45 Debbink Faculty Development Fund
  • Dr. Peter '26 and Margaret De Bell Scholarship
  • Neil F. DeBoer '66 Scholarship Fund
  • Adrian and Myrtle E. deBoom Scholarship Fund
  • Maxine DeBruyn Endowment for Dance
  • Richard and Betty Decker Scholarship Fund
  • Richard Decker Endowment Fund
  • Richard Decker Biology Research Student Travel Fund
  • Willard G. and Barbara DeGroot Scholarship Fund
  • William DeHaan '28 Scholarship Fund
  • Don '59 and Miriam Klaaren '60 DeJongh Scholarship
  • Rev. Frederich Garrett & Helen Floor Dekker Endowed Professorship
  • Dennis and Elsie DeKorver Scholarship Fund
  • Dorothy Wiley DeLong Professorship in Dance
  • DeLoof-Tien Music Scholarship Fund
  • Den Herder Family Scholarship Fund
  • Marjorie Den Uyl Faculty Development Fund
  • Dennis/Mokma Associates Scholarship Fund
  • DeNooyer Family Summer International Scholarship Fund
  • Simon Den Uyl Faculty Development Fund
  • Hugh DePree Endowed Art Gallery Fund
  • Max and Esther DePree Scholarship Fund
  • Stanley DePree Scholarship Fund
  • Marina Vander Veen deRight Scholarship
  • Herb Dershem Computer Science Summer Research Fund
  • Kathleen 'Kate' Dershem Scholarship Fund
  • Walter DeRuyter Family Scholarship Fund
  • Craig DeSousa Psychology Award
  • John and Irene Deters Family Scholarship
  • Bernadine Siebers De Valois Scholarship Fund
  • Russell B. '50 and Doris (Koskamp) '50 DeVette Endowed Fund
  • Cheri DeVos '82 Scholarship Fund
  • Richard M. and Helen DeVos Scholarship Fund
  • Carl '57 and Marilyn Glupker '56 De Vree Family Scholarship
  • Harvey and Nellie DeWeerd Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Bernard J. DeWitt Chemistry Research Fund
  • Helen and Warren '50 DeWitt and Family Scholarship
  • Marvin and Jerene DeWitt Scholarship Fund
  • Richard A. and Julia DeWitt Scholarship Fund
  • William N. and Dorothy L. DeWolff Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
  • Mary Vlieger '75 DeYoung Scholarship Fund
  • Peter A. De Young Fund for Cross Cultural Education
  • Peter DeYoung Fund for Exceptional Students
  • Ray DeYoung History Prize
  • Robert N. '56 and Marcia J. '55 De Young Scholarship Fund
  • Diephuis Scholarship Fund
  • Edward D. Dimnent Faculty Development Fund
  • Henry Peter and Maxine Elizabeth Dirkse Scholarship Fund
  • Lamont and Ruth Dirkse Scholarship Fund
  • Disability Assessment and Accommodation Assistance Fund
  • Discipleship Program Fund
  • Henry '58 and Alyce Proos '59 Doele Scholarship Fund
  • Robert '39 and Angeline '39 Donia Scholarship Fund
  • Thomas Donia '73 Music Fund-55336
  • Dood Family Scholarship
  • Dirk Stephen Doorenbos Scholarship Fund
  • Jason and Stephanie Doublestein Vienna Summer School Scholarship Fund
  • Douma-Vis Scholarship Fund
  • Dow Scholars Science Research Fund
  • Dow Corning Corporation Scholarship
  • The Hope Dream Scholarship
  • Dale and Betty Drew Nursing Scholarship
  • John H. Dryfhout '64 Internship at the Kruizenga Art Museum
  • DuMez Endowed Professorship
  • Gerrit and Alice DuMez Scholarship Fund
  • Dorothy Telfer '72 Duncan International Travel Scholarship
  • Dunning Family Scholarship Fund
  • Dutch to Dutchmen Scholarship Fund
  • Betty Ann Duval Scholarship Fund
  • John and Eleanor Dwyer Fund for Summer Research in Chemistry
  • Alan '55 and Mary Jane Adams '56 Dykema Scholarship Fund
  • John and Susan Dykema Scholarship Fund
  • Adelaide and Geraldine Dykhuizen Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Harold Dykhuizen Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Harold and Lucille Dykhuizen Scholarship Fund
  • Alex '50 and Betty Ebneth Scholarship Fund
  • Andy J. Egan Company Scholarship Fund
  • Eickhoff Scholarship Fund
  • Maxine and Victor W. Eimicke Scholarship Fund
  • Robert Elder, Jr. Washington Honors Semester Award
  • George and Marguerite Elliott Scholarship Fund
  • Barbara Brunson Elzinga Scholarship
  • Major Richard Gene Elzinga '64 Scholarship Fund
  • Oliver Zane Emerson Nursing Scholarship
  • Meijer Endowment for the Joint Archives/Hank Meijer Lecture Series
  • James and Harriet Engbers Scholarship Fund
  • Engineering Summer Research Fund
  • Bob and Crystal Etheridge Scholarship Fund
  • Etheridge Family Scholarship Fund
  • Pamela Sue Evans Scholarship
  • Evert Family Vienna Summer School Scholarship
  • Earl H. '38 and Mildred E. Faber '39 Scholarship Fund
  • Ken '58 and Petey Faber Scholarship Fund
  • Marilyn Whalen Failor and Marilyn Failor '52 Waehler Scholarship Fund
  • FaithWorks Fund
  • Farwell Scholarship Fund
  • Margaret Feldmann Kruizenga Curatorship
  • Egbert H. Fell, MD Memorial Scholarship
  • Dr. Martha H. Felton Scholarship Fund
  • Fifth Third Scholarship Fund
  • Kathleen Fitzgerald Yelding Off-Campus Scholarship - 56022
  • Bill '50 and Pearl Flaherty Scholarship Fund
  • John M. Flikkema '22 Scholarship Fund
  • M. Jay and Alice Raap Flipse Scholarship Fund
  • Irwin B. and Margie E. Floyd Scholarship Fund
  • Irwin B. and Margie E. Floyd Endowed Professorship
  • Steven W. Floyd Scholarship Fund
  • Ford Motor Company Scholarship Fund
  • William and Marilyn Forth Scholarship Fund
  • Joyce Foundation Fund for Conservation Studies
  • Amos and Ruth Foy Scholarship Fund
  • Daniel Foy '20 Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Philip '50 and Ann Wolters '50 Fredrickson Scholarship
  • Freedom Village Nursing Scholarship Fund
  • Mabelle DuMez Frei Scholarship Fund
  • Walter H. Frei Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Walter and Mabelle Frei Scholarship Fund
  • Fried Austrian and Central European Student Fund
  • Paul Fried International Education Fund
  • Katherine '90 Frieling Scholarship Fund
  • Robert Frieling '83 Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Harry F. and Jeannette Frissel Research Fund
  • Clarence T. 'Binsky' and Mary E. Fritz Scholarship Fund
  • Timothy and Maria Fritz Scholarship Fund
  • Froelich Family Scholarship Fund
  • Richard Frost Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Edwin J. Fuder '58 and Joan C. Fuder Scholarship Fund
  • Barry Fuller & Christine Modey Next Generation Scholarship Fund
  • Linda Provo '71 Fulton Geology Student Research Fund
  • Lyle and Mary Gallivan Scholarship
  • Linn Gann Non-Traditional Scholarship Fund
  • Paul Gebhard Scholarship Fund
  • Geenen Scholarship Fund
  • Scott '83 and Jaclyn Geerlings Family Scholarship
  • Geneva (Admissions) Scholarship Fund
  • Geneva Scholarship Fund for Christian Service
  • Gentile Interdisciplinary Lecture Fund
  • Brian '84 and Barbara Gibbs Vienna Summer School Scholarship Fund
  • Bonnie '84 and Paul Glasier Scholarship Fund
  • Dirk VanderLinden Gleysteen and Fanny Steffens Gleysteen Scholarship Fund
  • A.T. Godfrey Chemistry Award Fund
  • Almon T. and Harriet M. Godfrey Scholarship Fund
  • David and Jill Goetz Scholarship Fund
  • Mary Jayne Gold Scholarship Fund
  • Earl and May Gossett Scholarship Fund
  • Grace Reformed Church Scholarship Fund
  • Lars Granberg Psychology Student Research Fund
  • Granger Endowed Professorship in Economics, Management and Accounting
  • Ronald Keith and Donna Mae Granger Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Chuck Green Endowed Lecture Fund
  • Lawrence J. Green Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Joe Grevengoed Scholarship Fund
  • Ann M. Griep Scholarship Fund
  • Grit Computer Science Scholarship Fund
  • L.T. Guess Physics Summer Research Fund
  • Grace and Jim Gunn Scholarship Fund
  • Jeannette Gustafson Memorial Award
  • Haack ('06) Family Scholarship Fund
  • Robert W. Haack Professorship of Economics
  • John Edwin Hadden Study Abroad Scholarship
  • Hageman Faith Speaker Series
  • Ernest Haight Summer Research Fund in Engineering
  • Robert Hall Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Jennifer Hampton Summer Research in Physics Fund
  • Clarice Lucille Peterson '49 Hansbrough Scholarship Fund
  • Ed and Alice Hardy Scholarship Fund
  • Reverend Herman A. and Thyrza Harmelink Scholarship Fund
  • Rev. Herman Harmelink III and Barbara Harmelink Scholarship
  • Milton and Elizabeth Harmelink Scholarship Fund
  • Naomi Smith Harris and Philip J. Harmelink Scholarship Fund
  • Philip J. Harmelink Scholarship Fund
  • Nancy and Steven Harms Scholarship Fund
  • Stanley Harrington Art Award Fund
  • Elmer E. Hartgerink '39 Endowed Professorship in Chemistry
  • Margaret Baron Hartgerink Nursing Scholarship Fund
  • Krysten Bush '80 Hartman Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Ryan '97 and Annette Daniels '96 Harvey Scholarship
  • Jack H. '53 and Ruth B. '54 Hascup Scholarship Fund
  • HASP Scholarship Fund
  • Hassing-Yzenbaard Family Scholarship Fund
  • Gerrard and Edna Haworth Scholarship Fund
  • Gerrard and Edna Haworth Markets & Morality Scholarship
  • Hays Family Scholarship Fund
  • Judith Hazelton International & Off-Campus Endowment Fund
  • Sherwood L. Hazelton Memorial Music Scholarship Fund
  • Health Professions Speakers Fund
  • William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship Fund
  • Victor Heasley Undergraduate Research Fund
  • Reverend John F. Heemstra (1895) Scholarship
  • George and Lucile Heeringa Scholarship
  • Heersma-Schrock Scholarship Fund
  • Linda Kozel '69 Hegstrand, MD, PhD, Pre-Med or Scientist Scholarship
  • John and Mae Heidanus Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Stephen I. Hemenway Vienna Summer School Scholarship Fund
  • Stephen I. Hemenway Award for Promising Achievement in English Teaching
  • Henderson Fund for Kinesiology Student Research
  • Barbara Yager Hepburn Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Herman Miller Art Award Fund
  • Myron and Alicia Van Zoeren Hermance Scholarship Fund
  • Kenneth G. Herrick Endowed Professorship
  • Hewlitt President's Discretionary Fund for Faculty Development
  • William Heydorn '55 Endowment for the Hope Fund
  • William '55 and Joan Kilian '55 Heydorn Scholars
  • Scott A. Hice '94 Scholarship
  • Professor Bryant P. Hichwa Undergraduate Physics Summer Research Fund
  • Dr. LeRoy and Ruth Hyma Hill Scholarship Fund
  • Shirley Hill Scholarship Fund
  • William Hillegonds Scholarship Fund
  • Hinga-Boersma Family Scholarship Fund
  • Hinga-Boersma Dean of the Chapel Fund
  • Evelyn M. Hinkamp Scholarship Fund
  • Paul E. and Martha Hinkamp Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Paul '49 & Joan DeYoung '48 Hinkamp II Scholarship Fund
  • Jacob O. Hinken Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. and Mrs. William George Hoebeke Scholarship
  • Hoekenga - Thompson Scholarship Fund
  • Martin and Martha Hoeksema Scholarship Fund
  • Renze Hoeksema Prize in Political Science
  • Richard C. Hoeksema Geological Sciences Undergraduate Research Fund
  • Renze L. Hoeksema Political Science Undergraduate Research Fund
  • John (Jack) H. '50 and Marian '47 Hoekstra Scholarship Fund
  • Helmut and Ellen Hof Scholarship Fund
  • D. Mark and Lisa K. Hoffman Scholarship Fund
  • Donald W. Hoffman Family Scholarship Fund
  • Harold Hoffman Scholarship Fund
  • Drs. Edward A. and Elizabeth Hofma Endowed Professorship
  • John L. Hollander Scholarship Fund
  • Winfield J. and Ardith Hollander Scholarship Fund
  • Jantina W. Holleman Early Childhood Education Music Fund
  • William H. and Mary E. Holleman Scholarship Fund
  • John Hollenbach Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Jack E. Holmes Award
  • Robert Holt Music Scholarship Fund
  • Robert Holt Mathematics Scholarship Fund
  • Homer and Lorraine Elliott Scholarship fund
  • Hoogerhyde Family Scholarship Fund
  • Lavina 'Daisy' Hoogeveen Scholarship Fund
  • Phyllis K. Hooyman Scholarship Fund
  • Hope Academy of Senior Professionals Members Scholarship
  • Â鶹ÊÓƵ Athletics History Preservation Fund
  • Hope Forward Endowment
  • Â鶹ÊÓƵ International Student Scholarship
  • Hope Reformed Church of Kalamazoo Scholarship
  • Hope's Helping Hand Fund
  • Leon '37 and Johanna Bolte '35 Hopkins Scholarship Fund
  • Hovinga Family Scholarship Fund
  • Earle and Dena Van Heyningen Endowment for HRT
  • Ruth Haidt Hughes Memorial Organ Scholarship Fund
  • Elizabeth I. Huizenga Scholarship Fund
  • Janet M. Huizenga Scholarship Fund
  • Scott A. and Kim M. Huizenga Science Education Scholarship
  • Huizenga VanRaalte Fund
  • William E. and Marie G. Hunter Scholarship Fund
  • Huntington Banks Scholarship Fund
  • Jerry and Jacquie Hurtgen Endowed Residency in Jazz Studies
  • Hutchison Education Scholarship
  • Hope-Western Prison Education Endowment Fund
  • Karen Ice Scholarship Fund
  • Ralph and Peggy Jackson Family Scholarship Fund
  • Curtis A. Jacobs Mathematics and Statistics Summer Research Fund
  • John H. and Jeanne M. Jacobson Endowed Professorship
  • John and Jeanne Jacobson Scholarship Fund
  • Marian Reus Jacobson Scholarship Fund
  • Jaecker Chemistry Scholarship Fund
  • Drs. Eugene C. and Elaine Z. Jekel Award
  • Jellema Scholarship Fund
  • Arthur Jentz Memorial Scholarship
  • Harold and Mabel Johnson Scholarship Fund
  • Johnson-Henrich Scholarship Fund
  • Mildred Potter Joldersma Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Jones-White Family Scholarship Fund
  • Nelvie Jonker '56 Chapel Choir Fund
  • Willis and Florence Jonker Scholarship Fund
  • Jurries Family Scholarship Fund
  • Ginger Huizenga '64 Jurries Scholarship in English
  • Jim Jurries '63 Scholarship in Business
  • Kamp Scholarship Fund
  • Gordon E. and Karen Kamstra Scholarship Fund
  • Maurice Kawashima Endowed Student Scholarship Fund
  • Keizer Scholarship Fund
  • Kelder-Maas Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. John Kemink Scholarship Fund
  • Roger D. '49 and Marcia A. '50 Kempers Scholarship Fund
  • Daniel and Karen Kempker Scholarship Fund
  • David and Mary Lammers Kempker Scholarship
  • Antoinette Kieft Scholarship Fund
  • John A. '63 and Joyce DeKorver '65 Kieft Scholarship Fund
  • Larry ’65 and Linda Kieft Endowed Landscape Fund
  • Larry and Linda Kieft Economics and Business Department Scholarship Fund
  • Larry and Christine Kieft Economics and Business Department Scholarship Fund
  • Kinesiology Department Faculty and Staff Student Scholarship
  • Charles and Fenita Harmelink King Scholarship Fund
  • Marguerite E. Kinkema Special Education Award
  • Allan C. Kinney Memorial Fund
  • Reverend John A. and Deane Klaaren Memorial Scholarship
  • Adrian Klaasen Family Scholarship Fund
  • Harold '31 and Marjorie Scholten '35 Klaasen Scholarship
  • Russell and Elizabeth Klaasen Scholarship Fund
  • John & Marguerite Kleder Scholarship Fund
  • Geneva Kleinheksel Baldwin Scholarship Fund
  • John H. and Ann S. Kleinheksel Fund
  • Jacki and Paul Kleinheksel Scholarship Fund
  • Clarence Kleis Physics Research Fund
  • Margaret Marie Knooihuizen Fund
  • Garrett and Donna Knoth Multiples Scholarship Fund
  • Garrett and Donna Knoth Vienna Summer School Scholarship Fund
  • J. Fred and Irene Kobes Scholarship Fund
  • Koelbel Fund for Students from Mexico-55981
  • Koeppe-Kolean Scholars Program
  • William M. Kolkman Scholarship Fund
  • Anthony Kooiker Music Library Fund
  • Anthony Kooiker Music Scholarship Fund
  • Kooistra Family Scholarship Fund
  • Brian and Cathy Walchenbach Koop Family English Scholarship
  • Harvey '43 and Mary Lou '46 Koop Family Scholarship
  • Peter and Joyce Harmelink '63 Koop Scholarship Fund
  • Kornoelje Family Scholarship Fund
  • Kortering Scholarship Fund
  • Franklin D. Kraai Education Scholarship Fund
  • Marilyn Kraai Scholarship Fund
  • Russell J. and Gwendolyn L. Kraay Scholarship Fund
  • Russell J. Kraay Award in Computer Science
  • Elizabeth Weaver '49 Kragt Scholarship Fund
  • Paul B. Kragt Scholarship Fund
  • Paul B. Kragt '58 for Foreign Language Resource Fund
  • Elizabeth Sophie Krauss and Adam Krauss Memorial Scholarship
  • Earle and Mildred Kropscott Scholarship
  • Kruizenga Fund for Art Exhibits
  • Herman A. and Dorothy A. Kruizenga Scholarship Fund
  • Margaret Feldmann Kruizenga Scholarship Fund
  • Charles and Beatrice Kulier Scholarship Fund
  • Steve M. Kupres Business Leadership Award Fund
  • Kyros Family London May Term Scholarship Fund
  • Laidlaw Family Scholarship
  • Charles E. Lake Memorial Prizes in Philosophy
  • Louis and Esther Glerum '31 Lake Scholarship Fund
  • Lakewood Construction Scholarship Fund
  • Lamar Construction Scholarship Fund
  • Albert E. Lampen Scholarship Fund
  • Albert E. Lampen Mathematics Prize
  • Lanning Athletics Fund-55798
  • Robert and Virginia Lanting Scholarship Fund
  • Bob and Sue Lanting Scholarship
  • Anne R. Larsen '70 Global French Studies Scholarship
  • Scott '91 and Suzanne Lobs '91 Larson Scholarship
  • Herman and Flora Laug Scholarship Fund
  • Maurice C. '45 and Virginia C. Hemmes '48 Laug Scholarship
  • Dr. Philip and Nellie M. Laux Scholarship Fund
  • Leaske Family Scholarship Fund
  • Thelma K. Leenhouts '66 Scholarship Fund
  • Paula Ann Lemley Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Lloyd '44 and Ione Strick '44 Lemmen Scholarship
  • Sherman and Mabel Lepard Scholarship Fund
  • Violet Thomasma Lewis Scholarship Fund
  • Verna and Inez Lexo Scholarship Fund
  • Nicole McClain '98 Liechty Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Y.T. and An Ti Lin Scholarship Fund
  • Marian Ruth Lindemulder Scholarship Fund
  • Karen Linder Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Living Life Aid Scholarship Fund
  • Timothy J. and Kimberly S. Long Scholarship Fund
  • Louis and Mary Jean Lotz Creative Writing Award
  • Louis and Mary Jean Lotz Writers' Prize in Creative Writing
  • Lucille Lowe and Lena Alberta Music Scholarship Fund
  • Irwin and Margaret Lubbers Scholarship Fund
  • Melvin and Marion Lubbers Scholarship Fund
  • John and Marian Luchies Scholarship Fund
  • Tom and Deb Ludwig Psychology Research Fund
  • Anthony and Mae DePree (Class of 1912) Luidens Faculty Development Fund
  • Donald A. Luidens Speaker Series-55955
  • Norman and Mary Ellen Lunderberg Off-Campus Study Scholarship Fund
  • Leonard and Marjorie Maas Endowed Professorship in Reformed Theology
  • Macatawa Bank Scholarship Fund
  • Joseph MacDoniels Honorary Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Joseph MacDoniels and Dr. M. Harold Mikle Scholarship
  • Ross and Patricia Machiela Mack Scholarship
  • Barbara Mackey Endowed Fund
  • Walter and Mildred Malchow Scholarship Fund
  • Sally Poppen Marasco Scholarship Fund
  • Gerard E. Marsh '56 Scholarship Fund
  • Marsilje Presidential Discretionary Fund
  • Marsilje Services Scholarship Fund
  • Maas Endowed Chaplaincy Fund
  • Bruce A. Masselink Scholarship Fund
  • Carla A. Masselink Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Lorraine Hellenga '60 Toji Mathematics Faculty-Student Research Fund-56062
  • Greg and Kate Maybury Scholarship Fund
  • Billy Mayer Scholarship Fund
  • Billy Mayer Endowed Professorship
  • McBride Family Scholarship Fund
  • James & Ardath McCall Family Scholarship
  • Bernard McCullough Scholarship Fund
  • McGregor Fund for Frost Research Center
  • Dr. Malcolm H. McKay Health Sciences Scholarship
  • Susan McKay Scholarship
  • Jesse '01 and Simona McKey Scholarship Fund
  • Charles and Sheila McLean Scholarship Fund
  • Estelle Browning McLean Scholarship
  • Sharon V. McManus Education Scholarship-56058
  • John E. and Edith B. Medendorp Scholarship Fund
  • Meengs-Johnson-Blackburn Scholarship Fund
  • Lorenzo and Daisy E. Meengs Scholarship Fund
  • John and Jeanette Meerman Family Scholarship Fund
  • Ernest Meeusen Scholarship Fund
  • Robert L. Melka Memorial History Award
  • The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Faculty Development Fund
  • Mephibosheth Scholarship
  • Mervau-Wernette-Wilson Scholarship Fund
  • Eva Leenhouts Pelgrim Meyer Lecture Fund
  • Harris and Eva Leenhouts Pelgrim Meyer Scholarship Fund
  • Hendrik and Mary Meyer Scholarship Fund
  • Hendrik and Mary Meyer Scholarship Fund-SWFSMEYER
  • Nella Meyer Scholarship Fund
  • Eric Michael Family Scholarship Fund
  • Faith and Mark Micho '87 Scholarship Fund
  • Lawrence W. and Kathryn Middlebush VerSluis Scholarship Fund
  • Wietsche and Nellie Middlebush Scholarship Fund
  • Midwest Brain and Learning Institute Scholarship
  • Miller Family Scholarship Fund
  • M. Harold Mikle Prize in Communications
  • M. Harold Mikle Scholarship Fund
  • Wendell Miles Award in Law
  • Reverend Jack '61 Millard and June Veldheer '62 Scholarship
  • Betty Roelofs '53 Miller Endowed Professorship
  • Howard 'Buzz' Miller Family Scholarship
  • Don and Maxine Mulder Miller International Education Fund
  • Howard and Martha Miller Scholarship Fund
  • Linda J. Miller '83 Scholarship Fund
  • Nellie VanEeuwen Miller Scholarship Fund
  • John and Roberta Milne Scholarship Fund
  • Center for Ministry Studies Endowment Fund
  • Missad Scholarship Fund
  • Paul James Mitsos Vienna Summer School Scholarship Fund
  • Esther Molenaar Scholarship Fund
  • Dorothy Grace Renzema Moore Award for Excellence in Math and Music-55906
  • Morehouse-Duesing Music Scholarship Fund
  • Jobe and Julia Morrison Family Faculty Development Fund
  • Catherine Jo Morrison '89 Scholarship Fund
  • Catherine Morrison '89 Book Awards
  • Joyce M. Morrison Voice Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Judith A. Motiff Faculty Development Fund
  • Robert J. Motzer '77 Chemistry Undergraduate Research Fund
  • Mary Emily Mouw '72 Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Rev. Henry A. '40 and Emily G. '41 Mouw Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Anthony 'Tony' Muiderman Baker Scholars Endowed Fund
  • Tony and Elly Muiderman Economics and Business Scholarship
  • Bernard J. and Louise E. Mulder Scholarship Fund
  • Charlotte A. 'Chuckie' Mulder Scholarship Fund
  • Donald and Barbara Mulder Scholarship Fund
  • Fred Mulder Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. John Mulder Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Larry and Karen Mulder Non-Traditional Scholarship Fund
  • Roger L. Mulder '61 and Beverly Mulder Chemistry Fund
  • Ronald and Sandra Cady Mulder International Studies Scholarship Fund
  • I. Muller Scholarship Fund
  • Ralph Muller Scholarship Fund
  • Multicultural Student Leadership Program Fund
  • Robert E. Mulvaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Laura Mumford '71 Scholarship
  • Diane Murray Hispanic Student Scholarship Fund
  • Paul and Shartsi Musherure International Student Support Fund-55761
  • A.J. Muste Lecture and Peace Studies Endowment
  • AJ Muste Peace & Justice Fund
  • John and Barbara Vermeer '62 Myaard Scholarship Fund
  • George Ralph N.A.T.E. (Non-Academic Technical Excellence Award) Scholarship
  • Natural and Applied Sciences Summer Research Fund
  • Neckers Music Award Fund
  • Carlyle '35 and Doris VanLente '36 Neckers Music Scholarship Fund
  • James W. and Jeanette Neckers Lectureship/Research Fund in Chemistry
  • Alvin J. Neevel Scholarship Fund
  • James and Barbara Neevel Scholarship Fund
  • New Jersey Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Blaine C. '86 and Kathleen Piersma Newhouse Scholarship Fund
  • Nancy Plewes Nielsen Scholarship Fund
  • Mabel Nienhuis Music Award
  • Noordhoff Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Paul D. Nora '80 Scholarship Fund
  • Bradley '04 and Heather Tobert '06 Norden Scholarship Fund
  • Nordstrom Family Scholarship Fund
  • Thomas M. and Marilyn Norman Family Scholarship Fund
  • Northern Michigan Scholarship Fund
  • Donald and Eunice Northuis Family Scholarship Fund
  • Coach Mark Northuis Kinesiology Summer Research Fund
  • Northuis Family Education Scholarship
  • Paul '59 and Marsha Borr Northuis Education Scholarship
  • Andrew G. Nyboer Scholarship Fund
  • Jan Nyboer Scholarship Fund
  • Marion Nyboer Scholarship Fund
  • Jacob E. and Leona M. Nyenhuis Diversity Scholarship Fund
  • Jacob E. Nyenhuis Scholarship Fund
  • Jerry and Laura Nyhuis Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Russel R. Nykamp 1926 Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Frederick '26 and Sarah Klooster '29 Olert Scholarship
  • Kurt Oosterhouse '90 Scholarship Fund
  • Organ Maintenance Endowment Fund
  • Osterbaan Family Scholarship
  • John M. and Louise Osterhaven Scholarship Fund
  • Margaret Nagy '42 Osterhaven Scholarship Fund
  • Daniel and Susan Oumedian Family Scholarship Fund
  • Peter and Winifred Veld Paarlberg Scholarship Fund
  • Seymour Padnos Award Fund
  • Seymour and Esther Padnos Scholarship Fund
  • Seymour Padnos Sailing Fund
  • Oliver S. Page Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Myrtie and Ethelyn Paine Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Eleanor J. Palma Piano Scholarship Fund
  • Palma Family Scholarship Fund
  • Jean Palmer Music Award
  • Linda Palmer Memorial Award in French
  • Randy Pacheco Scholarship Fund
  • Â鶹ÊÓƵ Parents' Council Scholarship Fund (endowed)
  • Parke Davis/Pfizer Diversity Scholarship Fund
  • Bill and Judy Tanis '67 Parr Scholarship Fund
  • William G. and Hendrika Paterson Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. John and Phyllis Patnott Christmas Training Trip Fund
  • Patterson Memorial Biology Prize
  • Frank N. Patterson Biology Fund
  • L. Roger Patterson Fund for Library Resources
  • Norman and Ruth Peale Fund
  • Ruth Stafford Peale Scholarship Fund
  • People Who Inspire Scholarship Fund
  • Dane and Jennifer Peterson Family Scholarship Fund
  • Michael B. Petrovich Scholarship Fund
  • Â鶹ÊÓƵ Diversity Lecture Series For Phelps Scholars
  • James C. and DeeDee Gunther Piers Social Work Scholarship
  • Donald Zeke '53 and Joyce Piersma Scholarship
  • Glenn '64, Brian '92, Mitchell & Abigail Pietenpol Memorial Scholarship
  • Reformed Church in Plano Endowed Scholarship
  • Louis M. Plansoen Scholarship Fund
  • PNC Bank of Michigan/Illinois Scholarship Fund
  • Poest Family Scholarship Fund
  • Alfred and Dorothy Popma Fund for Biology
  • Barbara Mouw '76 Poppe Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Clayton and Christine '70 Powers Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Robert F. '40 and Betty J. Powers Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. A. James Prins '38 Scholarship Fund
  • Marguerite Prins French Award Fund
  • Marguerite Meyer Prins Scholarship Fund
  • Merle and Arnola Prins Family Scholarship Fund
  • Paul G. Fried Prize in International Education
  • Pschigoda Chemistry Scholarship Fund
  • Quincy Street Corporation Scholarship Fund
  • John T. Quinn Memorial Prize in Classics
  • Ken Quist Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Martin N. Ralph Award in Spanish
  • Ramaker Family Scholarship Fund
  • Audrey Prins Rasmussen Scholarship Fund
  • A.A. Raven Prize in Communication
  • Donald and Norma Rayner Scholarship Fund
  • RCA Diversity Scholarship Fund
  • Redeker Family Scholarship Fund
  • Ruth and John Reed Faculty Achievement Award Fund
  • Max J. and Florence Vyn Reese Scholarship Fund
  • Emma Reeverts (Class of 1920) Scholarship Fund
  • Reformed Church Women Scholarship Fund
  • Reimold Faculty Development Fund
  • Reinking Memorial Scholarship
  • Religion Department Award
  • Remtema Scholarship Fund
  • Katherine A. Reynolds Vienna Summer Scholarship Fund
  • Jack Ridl Visiting Writers Series Endowment
  • Thomas L. Riechel Endowed Fund for Summer Research in Chemistry
  • Dr. Norman '53 and Ellen Lidston '51 Rieck Scholarship
  • Roger and Evelyn Rietberg Music Scholarship
  • Roger Rietberg Chapel Choir Award
  • Albert and Susie Ritsema Music Scholarship Fund
  • Herman and Elizabeth Ritsema Music Scholarship
  • Sandy Klynstra '65 and Bill Robertson Nursing Scholarship Fund
  • Alice H. Rodstrom '29 Scholarship Fund
  • Bruce '63 and Judy Pessek '63 Roe Chemistry Summer Research Fund
  • David P. Roossien Organ Scholarship
  • MacKenzie Micho '19 Rose and Matthew Rose '18 Scholarship Fund
  • Agnes F. Ross Scholarship Fund
  • Janet Mulder (Class of 1916) and Metta Ross (Class of 1926) Scholarship Fund
  • Mary Riepma Ross Directorship of Special Collections
  • Metta J. Ross History Prize
  • Sandra E. Rottschafer '93 Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Sexuality Roundtable Fund
  • Claryce Rozeboom Memorial Scholarship in Organ
  • Charles '29 and Marie Rozema Scholarship Fund
  • Ruch Directorship of the Baker Scholar Program
  • Doug and Linda Ruch Education Scholarship-56043
  • Richard H. '52 and Patricia L. Ruch Scholarship Fund
  • John H. Rumph Scholarship Fund
  • Russ' Restaurant Scholarship Fund
  • Cameron A. Rylance Scholarship Fund
  • Donald and Kathleen Rynbrandt Family Scholarship Fund
  • John H. '50 and Constance L. VanZylen '53 Ryskamp Scholarship Fund
  • Robert F. and Genevieve Sage Scholarship Fund
  • Sakiko Kanamori Prize Fund
  • Joseph J. Sanchez Student Emergency Fund
  • Jacob Sandy '18 Scholarship Fund
  • John T. '54 and Reda Rynbrandt '57 Santinga Scholarship Fund
  • John T. '54 and Reda Rynbrandt '57 Santinga Internship at the Kruizenga Art Museum
  • Sargent Scholarship Fund
  • Felicia Hrbek Saunders Scholarship Fund
  • Scott Schaaf '88 and Carrie VandeHaar-Schaaf Scholarship
  • Schaap Science Undergraduate Research Fund
  • Schaap Research Fellows
  • Carl F. Schackow Award Fund
  • Howard C. Schade Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Schakel Family Scholarship Fund
  • Robert and Leona Schellenberg Scholarship Fund
  • Vern and Isla Schipper Scholarship Fund
  • Brenda L. Schloff Scholarship Fund
  • Schmid Family Scholarship
  • Helen I. and William F.J. Schneider Jr. Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Scholl Scholarship Fund
  • Scholtens Family Scholarship Fund
  • John A. Schoon Family Scholarship Fund
  • Elizabeth Schouten Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • John H. Schouten Award Fund
  • Schregardus Family Scholarship Fund
  • H. Ruth Schreiber '33 Scholarship Fund
  • Janet Kollen '31 Schreuder Memorial Scholarship
  • Janet Kollen '31 Schreuder Dimnent Memorial Chapel Endowed Maintenance Fund
  • Janet Kollen '31 Schreuder Graves Hall Endowed Maintenance Fund
  • Dr. William and Ada Ann Schrier Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Robert H. and Arvella Schuller Scholarship
  • Lawrence '58 and Loretta Schut Scholarship Fund
  • Sandrene Schutt Award for Proficiency in Literature
  • Oscar and Anna Schwidetzky Scholarship Fund
  • Lewis R. Scudder Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Janet 'Jan' C. Sebens Scholarship Fund
  • Fritzi Sennett Summer Research Fund for Kinesiology
  • James '65 and Marilyn Hoffman '66 Serum Scholarship Fund
  • Service and Outreach Program Fund-55788
  • Rolland Shackson Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Stuart W. Sharp Jr. Scholarship Fund
  • John Shaughnessy Psychology Lecture Fund
  • Frank and Dorothy Sherburne Mathematics Summer Research Fund
  • Frank and Dorothy Sherburne Scholarship Fund
  • Marilyn W. and B.P. Sherwood III Legacy Scholarship
  • Shier Family Scholarship Fund
  • Albertus Pieters (Shoemaker) Faculty Development Fund
  • Bernard and Dorothy Shoemaker Scholarship Fund
  • Clarence Shoemaker Fund for Chemistry
  • C. Leonard Shoniker Scholarship Fund
  • Dorothy and Russell Siedentop Award Fund
  • Antoinette Carolyn Sikkel Scholarship Fund
  • Mary Foster '54 Simons Washington Honors Semester Special Fund
  • Adrian G. '67 and Gerrie Slikkers Scholarship Fund
  • Adrian G. '40 and Elizabeth Slikkers Scholarship
  • Sloan-Stegeman Award Fund
  • Howard R. and Margaret E. Sluyter Faculty Development Fund
  • Howard '28 and Margaret Sluyter Scholarship Fund
  • Howard R. and Margaret E. Sluyter Endowed Professorship In Art and Design
  • Howard R. Sluyter '28 & James M. Ver Meulen '26 Scholarship
  • Smallegan Undergraduate Chemistry Research Fund
  • Russell and Florence Smallegan Memorial Scholarship
  • Homer 'Duke' '37 and Louise Smith Scholarship Fund
  • Lynn Szabo Smith Scholarship Fund
  • Peter Smith Religion Award
  • Peter Smith Religion Scholarship
  • Ray and Sue Smith Scholarship Fund
  • Neal and Elizabeth Sobania Kruizenga Art Museum Special Fund
  • Joseph P. Soderberg Scholarship Fund
  • John R. Soeter Faculty Development Fund
  • John Jacob Soeter '27 Scholarship Fund
  • John R. Soeter Student/Faculty Research Fund
  • Arnold and Esther Sonneveldt Endowed Professorship in Education
  • Spaan-Evert Family Scholarship Fund
  • Virginia Speaker Scholarship Fund
  • Virginia Speaker Communications Media Fund
  • Jennie Spoelstra '41 Scholarship Fund
  • Thomas F. Staley Lecture Series Fund
  • Stavenger Family Scholarship
  • Betsy King '66 Stavenger & Ruth King '69 Seiger Education Scholarship
  • Rev. and Mrs. James A. Stegeman Scholarship Fund
  • Miner and Dureth Bouma Stegenga Faculty Development Fund
  • Miner Stegenga Award
  • Carol Cherry '68 Stehouwer Scholarship
  • Dr. David Stehouwer Scholarship Fund
  • Wilma Steketee-Bean Scholarship Fund
  • Jay Folkert & Charles Steketee Mathematics Summer Research Fund
  • Henry and Evelyn Steketee Upjohn Scholarship Fund
  • Steketee - Tapley Family Scholarship
  • STEM Scholars Endowment Fund
  • Edward C. and Hazel L. Stephenson Scholarship Fund
  • Stephenson First Year Writing Prize
  • Aimee Sterk '97 Psychology Scholarship Fund
  • Stan and Norma Sterk Engineering Scholarship Fund
  • Raleigh R. and Esther Rehm Stotz Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Bernard J. Stremler '55 Scholarship Fund
  • Christopher James Stringer Jr. Memorial Award Fund
  • Clarence Bremer '29 and Dorothy Stroop '29 Bremer Scholarship Fund
  • Strosacker Foundation Faculty Development Fund
  • Dr. and Mrs. T.E. Su Scholarship
  • Daniel William Sullivan '17 Scholarship Fund
  • Homer and Margaret Surbeck Scholarship Fund
  • James A. and Irene G. Swaby Music Fund
  • J. Robert and Morrell F. Swart Scholarship Fund
  • Julie Marie Sweers '72 Scholarship
  • Ethel Leestma '33 Swets Organ Scholarship Fund
  • Tanaka Memorial Foundation Scholarship Fund
  • Tanaka Memorial Foundation Scholarship II
  • Elliot and Elaine Tanis Family Scholarship Fund
  • Tanis Math Research Fund
  • Richard W. TeLinde (Class of 1917) Scholarship Fund
  • Christine Tempas '69 Scholarship Fund
  • Henry ten Hoor Humanities Faculty Development Fund
  • TenBrinke Family Scholarship Fund
  • Daniel and Joan TenHoeve Paul Scholarship Fund
  • Anna Mae Tensen Scholarship Fund
  • John and Frances Tensen Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Ruth Tensen Creative Writing Fund
  • Drs. Gary and Carol Ter Haar Chemistry Scholarship Fund
  • Arthur J. TerKeurst '32 Psychology Scholarship Fund
  • Third Reformed Church Faculty Development Fund
  • Herrel George Thomas Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Thomas Family Scholarship
  • Herbert Jeter Thomas and Klasina A. VanderWerf Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Norman '53 and Mrs. Marcia Veldman '56 Thompson Lecture Series
  • Jacob and Florence Tigelaar Scholarship Fund
  • Albert Till Scholarship Fund
  • Burr Tillstrom Scholarship Fund
  • Albert H. '23 and Esther D. '25 Timmer Scholarship Fund
  • Paul Timmer Memorial Award
  • Paul Norman Timmer '76 Scholarship Fund
  • Tobert Family Fund for Third Culture Kids (TCK) and International Students-56052
  • Ruth W. Todd Classics Prize
  • Toji Geology Student Field Trip Fund
  • Toji Natural Science Equipment Fund
  • Dr. Lorraine Hellenga '60 Toji Nursing Faculty-Student Research Fund
  • James C. Toothaker Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Phillip Toppen '58 Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Chester J. '41 and Lucille Teninga '46 Toren Scholarship Fund
  • George Toren Scholarship Fund
  • James and May Toren Scholarship
  • Marian Toren Scholarship Fund
  • Towsley Research Scholars Fund
  • Ione Trap Scholarship Fund
  • Paul and Ione Trap History Student Research Fund
  • Tuberculosis, Health and Emphysema Society Nursing
  • Edmund B. and Margaret A. Tweddle Scholarship Fund
  • John W. Tysse '29 Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • John P. Tysse '60 and Patricia Derks '63 Tysse Scholarship
  • Kenneth R. Tysse '36 Scholarship Fund
  • Gerrit Tysse-John VanPeursem Scholarship Fund
  • Eleonora C. van Aalst Scholarship Fund
  • Lily van Aalst Scholarship Fund
  • Otto Van Der Velde All Campus Award
  • Helen E. Van Ess Music Scholarship Fund
  • Phil Van Eyl '55 Faculty Resource Fund
  • Katherine Van Grouw Scholarship Fund
  • Dennis Van Haitsma '68 Family Scholarship
  • J. Roderick van Leuwen Scholarship Fund
  • Stanley and Harriet van Reken Immersion Trips Fund
  • Glenn and Jacquelyn Nyboer Van Wieren Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Margaret DeWitt Van Wylen Scholarship Fund
  • Frances H. Van Zandt Scholarship Fund
  • Benjamin H. Van Andel Scholarship Fund
  • Donald J. '42 and Lileeth Brouwer '42 Van Ark Scholarship
  • Myron '51 and Mae Van Ark Scholarship Fund
  • Bruce Van Buskirk Scholarship Fund
  • Randall and Mary Vande Water Scholarship Fund
  • Virginia Vande Water Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Julie A. Vanden Berge Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Katherine VandenBelt Scholarship Fund
  • Vandenberg Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Allison and Mrs. Mildred Vanden Berg Scholarship Fund
  • Bill Vandenberg III '62 Scholarship Fund
  • Elisabeth Kay '66 Vander Lugt and John David Terpstra '65 Scholarship Fund
  • Ronald L. & Geraldine A. Vander Molen Kruizenga Art Museum Art Acquisit and Prog Discretionary Fund
  • Dr. William R. '61 and Susan L. Vanderbilt Scholarship Fund
  • William and Mabel Vanderbilt Sr. Family Award
  • George H. (Class of 1920) and Helen H. Vanderborgh Scholarship Fund
  • Alvin W. Vanderbush '29 Award Fund
  • Alvin Vanderbush Scholarship Fund
  • Alvin Vanderbush Pre-Law Fund
  • Elizabeth Vanderbush Scholarship Fund
  • Elizabeth Vanderbush Award in Education
  • Vanderbush-Weller Award
  • Guy Vander Jagt '53 Endowed Professorship
  • Charles '65 and JoAnna Vander Kolk International Student Scholarship
  • Floyd Vander Meer '25 Scholarship Fund
  • William Vander Meer Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. John M. VanderMeulen Family Scholarship Fund
  • John and Marilyn van der Velde Scholarship Fund
  • Margaret Vander Velde Scholarship Fund
  • Phyllis J. Vandervelde Scholarship Fund
  • Barbara Mae Wolfe '58 Vander Ven Scholarship Fund
  • Ruth Hoekstra '25 VanderVen Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Matthew James Vanderwel Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Calvin '37 and Rachel VanderWerf Scholarship Fund
  • Clifford G. '52 and JoAnn Vanderwerp '52 Dobben Scholarship
  • John Richard Vander Wilt Religion Award
  • Garret & Jane VandeZande and Clarence & Angeline Bruins Scholarship Fund
  • Van Dis Family Scholarship Fund
  • Arie H. Van Dyke Scholarship Fund
  • Lillian VanDyke Scholarship Fund
  • Van Dyke/Rottschafer Scholarship Fund
  • Isla VanEenenaam Lecture Fund
  • Isla Pruim and Gordon Van Eenenaam Family Scholarship Fund
  • August VanEerden Scholarship Fund
  • Clarence Van Ess Christian Education Endowment Fund
  • Dr. Titus and Eleanor Van Haitsma Scholarship Fund
  • John and Lucille VanHeest Family Mission Fund
  • Harold J. Van Heuvelen '40 Scholarship
  • Caryl Curtis VanHouten Scholarship Fund
  • Donald '51 'Dutch' and Rosemarie Van Ingen Teambuilding Fund
  • VanIwaarden Family Scholarship Fund
  • James G. and Bertha Van Keulen Scholarship Fund
  • Lavern and Betty DePree Van Kley Scholarship Fund
  • Lavern '39 and Betty DePree '41 Van Kley Endowed Professorship
  • Mark Van Lare Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Olin C. Van Lare Scholarship Fund
  • Arie and Johanna Van Ooyen Scholarship
  • Rev. Elton '48 and Beatrice Soodsma '51 Van Pernis Scholarship Fund
  • Albertus C. Van Raalte Scholarship Fund
  • Stanley and Harriett van Reken Scholarship Fund
  • Frederick VanRoy Scholarship Fund
  • Helen Wagner '48 Van Singel Scholarship Fund
  • Clarence and Wilma Van Wieren Scholarship Fund
  • Gordon '41 and Bertha Vis '41 Van Wyk Scholarship
  • Herbert and Julia VanWyk Scholarship Fund
  • Judson J. '43 and Persis Parker '44 Van Wyk Scholarship Fund
  • Gordon J. and Margaret Van Wylen Scholarship Fund
  • Van Zanten Family Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
  • G. John Van Zoeren Scholarship Fund
  • Raymond C. and Alice S. Van Zoeren Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Gerrit Van Zyl (Class of 1918) Chemistry Scholarship Fund
  • Charles Van Zylen Jr. '47 Scholarship Fund
  • Jerold Paul '55 & Lois Tornga '56 Veldman Faculty Development Fund
  • Dr. Harold '21 and Pearl Paalman '24 Veldman Scholarship
  • Hilary Vellenga '00 Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
  • Teunisje Velthuizen Scholarship
  • Gladys M. Veneklasen Scholarship Fund
  • James T. Veneklasen Scholarship Fund
  • Ame Vennema Scholarship Fund
  • John J. and Irene Ver Beek Scholarship Fund
  • Allen D. Verhey Memorial Prize for Faithful Scholarship
  • Nicholas Ver Hey '75 Geology Summer Research Fund
  • James M. VerMeulen Endowed Professorship
  • Victor R. VerMeulen Family Scholarship Fund
  • David Lee Viel Scholarship
  • Esther M. Snow Vienna Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Harrison C. Visscher '51 and Dr. Robert D. Visscher '51 Lectureship in Genetics
  • Harrison C. and Mary L. Visscher Endowed Professorship in Genetics
  • Robert D. and Marjorie A. Visscher Scholarship Fund
  • Donald W. Visser '37 Summer Research Fellowship
  • Vlieger Family Scholarship Fund
  • Henry and Helen Voogd Scholarship
  • Dennis and Betty Voskuil Scholarship for Pastors' Children and Grandchildren
  • Esther Mulder and Henry P. Wackerbarth Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Lawrence A. Wade Scholarship Fund
  • E. Marie Wagenaar Scholarship Fund
  • DAA underwritten by Dr. William C. Waggoner '58
  • Brian and Cathy Walchenbach Koop Family Business Scholarship
  • Walchenbach Family Nursing Scholarship Fund
  • Arlene Arends '64 and William Waldorf Scholarship
  • Walker-Barr Undergraduate Research Fund
  • Walker-Barr Natural and Applied Sciences Faculty Development Fund
  • Walker-Barr Summer Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
  • Ruth E. Myaard Walters Scholarship Fund
  • Jeane W. Walvoord Family Scholarship Fund
  • James M. VerMeulen and Anne VerMeulen Ward Scholarship
  • Lloyd A. and Arlene D. Warners Family Keyboard Scholarship
  • Warnshuis Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. and Mrs. A. Livingston Warnshuis Scholarship Fund
  • Winifred Washburn Scholarship Fund
  • Jerome H. Wassink Scholarship Fund
  • Watts Learning Center Fund 'Hope Comes To Watts'
  • We Are Hope Scholarship
  • Donald Weener Memorial Piano Scholarship
  • Rev. Sherwin '62 and Mrs. Shirley Weener Scholarship
  • Katherine Weier Endowment Fund
  • T. Elliot Weier Endowed Professorship In Biology
  • Richard '50 and Gloria Welch Scholarship Fund
  • Chris '91 and Becca Dykstra '91 Weller Scholarship
  • Kenneth J. Weller '48 Endowed Professorship in Management
  • William and Eileen Wepfer Scholarship
  • Barry and Judy Werkman Scholarship Fund
  • John Dirk Werkman Endowed Professorship
  • Wesselink Fund for CFL Student Research-55830
  • Wesselink Study Abroad Fund-55957
  • Samuel L. Westerman Foundation Fund
  • Westrate Scholarship Fund
  • Westveer-Steffens Scholarship Fund
  • Sheldon & Marilyn Wettack Summer Research Fund
  • David E. '60 and Mary Fryling '62 White Scholarship
  • Kathleen Ann White '76 Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Wicander Family Study Abroad Scholarship
  • Wichers Fund for Faculty Development
  • Nell E. Wichers Nursing Scholarship Fund
  • Lee E. and Loraine Pomp Widman Scholarship Fund
  • Mari Kroon '77 Wielopolski Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. Morris Wilderom Scholarship
  • Brad Williams Memorial Award Fund
  • Margaret "Meg" Miller '86 Willit Scholarship Fund
  • Matthew J. and Anne C. Wilson Foundation Faculty Development Fund
  • John Montgomery Wilson Award in Art History
  • Matthew J. and Anne C. Wilson Fdn Trust for Faculty Salaries
  • Windemuller Electric Scholarship Fund
  • Herman Windolph Memorial Scholarship Fund
  • Roger '58 and Wilma Allspach '73 Winkels Scholarship Fund
  • John Garrett and Anna Winter Scholarship Fund
  • Lawrence and Chester Jr. Witanek Scholarship Fund
  • John and Hazel Witherspoon Scholarship Fund
  • John D. Witzel Scholarship
  • Helen Sprietsma Wolf and Gretchen Hargis Memorial Fund
  • Wolterink Family Scholarship Fund
  • Edward J. Wolters Classics Award
  • Florence U. and Harvey J. Woltman Scholarship Fund
  • Women's League for Hope Scholarship Fund
  • World Christian Lecture Series Fund
  • Worth Endowment Fund
  • Jim and Phyllis Wynsma Scholarship Fund
  • Clara E. Yntema Scholarship Fund
  • Clarence & Emma Jean Yntema Scholarship
  • D.B. Yntema Physics Award
  • Elizabeth S. Yntema Scholarship Fund
  • Yntema Family Faculty Development Fund
  • Gordon Yntema Scholarship Fund
  • Jennifer Young Award in Creative Writing and Literature
  • John and Cornelia Young Scholarship Fund
  • Reuben and Elizabeth Winter Young Scholarship Fund
  • Dr. James P. '48 Yuk Scholarship Fund
  • Bonita 'Bonnie' Zandbergen Scholarship Fund
  • Billy Zeoli Scholarship Fund
  • Mary Lou Ziegler-Gysbers Scholarship Fund
  • Harvey and Carolyn Zoet Scholarship Fund
  • Zuidema Family Scholarship Fund
  • George and Joan Zuidema Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Student Research
  • James H. and Marion Klassen Zwemer Chemistry Fund
  • Samuel Zwemer Scholarship Fund