/ Provost's Office

Faculty Activity Reporting

Our software (Digital Measures by Watermark) is an online, secure database for reporting faculty activities. 

Whatever annual activities were previously entered into Service to Hope forms or found on a CV can now be entered online. Data can be entered as soon as each activity happens, and data entry doesn’t have to wait until the end of the year.

Recorded activities can be compiled into reports. Those with appropriate permissions, such as department chairs and divisional deans, can access and search the information, reducing or eliminating repeated requests for this data.

Full-time and tenure-track faculty must report their activities in Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR). Lecturers and adjunct faculty will not use FAR at this time.

Goals & Highlights

Goals of the project

  • Easy input
  • Usable output
  • Fewer data requests
  • Broader usage
  • Uniform reporting
  • Separation of faculty activity data collection from faculty evaluation

Highlights of FAR

  • The provost’s office can pull your annual activity directly. You don’t have to file any paperwork.
  • Office managers and chairs can compile a department’s annual activity by running queries rather than manually compiling from Service to Hope forms.
  • If your grant is processed through the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs, that information will be uploaded directly into FAR.
  • Teaching schedules and number of advisees will be regularly (semi-annually) updated based on numbers from the registrar’s office.
  • When it comes to entering publications, there are shortcuts. Publication data from aggregate/ bibliographic sources (in BibTeX format) can be pulled so that there is no hand-entry of each publication.
Training Materials and Guides
  • (Google Slides)
  • (PDF)
  •        Note: Course data is uploaded within a week after the start of the semester
  • Contact Us: Email the FAR Admin Team, far@hope.edu
Templates for Uploading Data

If you have many activities to enter on one screen, instead of manually entering data into FAR, a faculty member may instead put the information into a spreadsheet for upload.


  1. Select the spreadsheet from the list below, based on the activity screen in FAR.
  2. Enter relevant information. A username and date are always required. Data validated fields (the colored columns) must have a selection from the drop-down or be left blank. Not all fields need a response. If you have any questions or need to add more collaborators to the presentation screen, email far@hope.edu for assistance.
  3. When the activities have been entered, email the spreadsheet to far@hope.edu and the FAR admins will upload the data into the system for you. Please allow 2-4 days for requests to be processed.


General Credentials and Experience


Scholarship and Creative Activity


We have not created spreadsheet templates for all screens. If you would like to do a spreadsheet upload and don't see the screen listed above, email us and we will create a template for you.

(through FAR)