/ Provost's Office

Tips for Getting Involved in Research

Do you want to become involved in research in your department or field? Start by finding out what is already being done by faculty and students. Then see where you fit! Each department has different opportunities, so making connections and telling faculty you are interested early on is key.

Ways to learn about student-faculty collaborative research opportunities on campus:

  • Talk to your favorite course professors about research opportunities in their department
  • Meet with the Department Chair and ask about research opportunities in your department
  • Talk to other students (for example, teaching assistants or research assistants) about what they are doing for research
  • Attend student research symposia and poster sessions (including the A. Paul and Carol C. Schaap Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity) and talk to students and faculty about research opportunities
  • Make appointments with several faculty to learn, in more detail, about their research programs and what opportunities exist for student-faculty collaborative research
  • Volunteer for research with a professor during the semester. This can be done for "zero credit" (~3 hours / week) or for credit (~6+ hours per week).
  • Learn about the Summer Hope Academic Research Program and apply for summer research opportunities using SHARP