Off-Campus Study
Studying abroad offers a unique opportunity to enhance your academic journey and enrich your engineering education. Employers increasingly value graduates with international experience, and because it remains uncommon among engineering students, those who pursue it stand out in the job market.
Study Abroad Tips
- Your financial aid can be applied to the cost of studying aboard, and students often pay about the same for a semester off-campus as they would if in Holland, Michigan. Generous scholarships are also available.
- Most classes taken by Hope students abroad are in English.
- It is best to start planning early. If you are a first-year engineering student and you are considering studying off-campus, you should speak with the engineering department chair as soon as possible. This is important to do even if you have not yet declared your engineering major.
- Most engineering students complete some of their general education requirements while studying abroad; we advise you to save some of these courses in your academic plan.
- It is essential to meet with your academic advisor regarding courses you plan on taking off-campus and how this fits within your academic plan, particularly credits counting toward your major (and provide appropriate course descriptions).
- Summer Program in Germany
To participate in the program, engineering students take German 101 prior to the program starting. Then, the students come to the Hope campus on the Monday after the Fourth of July, at which time they start taking an engineering course (currently offering ENGS 241-Electric Circuit Analysis). On Friday of that week, the students and the Hope professor travel to Berlin, Germany, where they stay for five weeks. The Hope professor continues teaching the engineering course using the facilities of the Technical University of Berlin. The students also take a second course in German Language and Culture taught by a T.U. Berlin Professor.
While in Germany, the students have class four days a week, which leaves four three-day weekends in to travel throughout Germany via a German rail pass. The travel focuses on religious, cultural and historical sites. The travel includes a three-day excursion to Heidelberg, Koblenz and Koln. Other one-day excursions include visits to Bremen, Lubeck, Sachsenhausen and Wittenberg, where Luther nailed the 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church.
The teaching part of the program and the group excursions will end on Friday of the fourth week. This leaves a week in which the students are free to travel around Europe on their own. In the past some students have visited Spain, Paris, London, Denmark and many more places before returning home.
The German Language and Culture course that the students take at the Technical University of Berlin fulfills the 鶹Ƶ language requirement (FL2) and the program fulfills the Global Perspectives portion of the Human Diversities requirement (GLP).
Program details
While in Berlin we will be staying at . Thanks to a generous donor, we have funds to be used as scholarships for the program. The scholarships are awarded on a need basis.
The program cost includes:
- Round trip airfare to Berlin
- Ten day German Rail Pass
- Bus/train pass for Berlin
- Housing in Berlin at St.-Michaels-Heim
- Hotels in Heidelberg and Koln for the three day outing
- Each student will be given funds for food money
- Weekly group dinners
- T.U. Berlin course fees
- Hope tuition for the 3-credit Engineering 220 course
- Entrance fees for cultural visits.
- Travel Accident Insurance
This program is open for all engineering concentrations.
All engineering freshmen are eligible to participate in this program since the engineering course is required for all engineering students. Non-freshmen who haven’t take the specific engineering course being offered yet are also elibible for the program
If you have an interest in participating in this exciting program and have questions regarding the program, please contact Dr. Polasek or Dr. Abrahantes.
- Full-Semester Programs
As an engineering student, your schedule is full of courses that have to be taken in a specific order. For students wanting to spend an entire semester abroad, the recommended timeframe varies depending on your engineering concentration.
Even-Year Graduates Odd-Year Graduates Biochemical Spring, Sophomore Spring, Junior Biomedical Spring, Sophomore Spring, Sophomore Chemical Spring, Sophomore Spring, Junior Civil Spring, Junior Spring, Junior Computer Fall, Sophomore Fall, Junior Electrical Spring, Sophomore Spring, Sophomore Environmental Spring, Sophomore Spring, Junior Mechanical Spring, Junior Spring, Junior No emphasis Spring, Junior Spring, Junior Featured Programs
- (Spain)
- (Spain)
- (Ireland)
- (South Africa)
- (Scotland)
These programs offer engineering courses that count toward your major. It is important to communicate with the off-campus study office and the Engineering Off-Campus study advisor about your interest in studying abroad to determine your options and decide on the best one for you.
If you plan on taking general education requirements only during your semester off-campus, you can study at nearly any location that Hope offers.
- May and June-term Programs
Sometimes it's difficult to fit a full semester off-campus experience in an busy engineering schedule. Because of this, many of our students take advantage of 4 week programs that take place over the summer in May or June.
In these programs, you will take one course during the 4 weeks abroad and this course will fulfill one of your general education objectives.
“Studying abroad in Ireland during my sophomore year was one of my best decisions in college. I learned a lot about myself and the person I want to be. Living in Dublin was the first time I had ever lived in a city, lived in an apartment and lived in a country where I knew absolutely nobody when I stepped off the plane. I learned how to be more independent, creative, flexible and empathetic during my time abroad. This carried over during my last two years of college and helped me succeed in the remainder of my engineering classes.”
—Payton Hoff ’17, IES Dublin Direct Enrollment, Trinity College, Ireland
workP. 616.395.7510