/ English Department

Off-Campus Study

We’re so excited that you are considering studying off-campus! We recommend that students participate in off-campus study to enrich their educational experience through exposure to a different tradition, culture and context of learning. 

Some things to consider as an English major as you plan your off-campus study experience:

  • You can study off campus at different times, though junior year is often advised.
  • Different English courses can be taken off campus, depending on the emphasis you are pursuing; it is a matter of communicating with the department early and considering course offerings off campus that could match and transfer back as the appropriate credits. 

Holly Wierenga studied off campus in London.

“It was so cool to walk around and see where [Shakespeare] grew up and hear stories of his family and his childhood. I learned so much both in and out of the classroom and gained knowledge that will stay with me.â€

– Holly Wierenga, London, England 

Featured Programs

Mikaila Bisson studied off campus in Dublin, Ireland.

“My study abroad experience in Dublin, Ireland, interacted with my major in so many ways! I am a more well rounded English student because of my time in Ireland and the immersion into the culture and history the country provided me with.â€

– Mikaila Bisson ’17, IES Dublin, Ireland