/ Geological and Environmental Science Department

Off-Campus Study

We are so excited that you are considering studying off-campus! Studying in another part of the world or country can be a valuable part of your academic journey, exposing you to a different cultural as well as geological environment.

Some things to consider as a geology or environmental studies student as you plan your off-campus study experience:

  • The recommended time to study off campus is any semester of your junior or senior year.
  • Most major courses can be taken off campus with the appropriate equivalencies. It is important to meet with your academic advisor regarding courses you plan on taking off-campus and how this fits within your academic plan (and provide appropriate course descriptions).
  • Consider taking a field course while you study off campus!

Michigan Field Geology

Michigan Field Geology (Loading...) is an introductory geology course taught outdoors in the field on a 10-day field trip to Michigan's Upper Peninsula. The class will drive to the UP for camping and field study experience, then return for a once-a-week class during the first part of the semester.

More information about Michigan Field Geology 

GES Department May Term

Island Life: Geology, Biology, and Sustainability on Eleuthera Island, The Bahamas — snorkel, hike and spelunk to see the biology and geology on, under, and around a small Caribbean island. This course is offered once every 2–4 years.

Featured programs

  • – A living and learning community with a sustainability component in the secluded mountains of southern Oregon
  • – Work directly with top scientists in a state-of-the-art national research laboratory on geological or environmental problems
  • , Netherlands
  • , South Africa
  • , New Zealand