/ Center for Global Engagement

Faculty Exchanges

Exchanging ideas with faculty members from around the globe benefits not only your research and teaching process, but the students in your classroom, the institutions you visit and the colleagues with whom you collaborate.

We welcome faculty and visiting scholars from a myriad of disciplines to our campus through our global partnerships, as well as affiliations with the and .

Our international scholars are assigned to both an academic department and mentor upon arrival. You’re encouraged to continue your research, experience campus life and, in some cases, teach and/or lecture on our campus. As your host, the Center for Global Engagement will serve as your point of contact and resource throughout the duration of your stay. Your assigned academic department and mentor will also be a valuable source of information and guidance.

For any questions pertaining to banking, immigration and life in and around Holland, Michigan, our international education coordinator will be available.

鶹Ƶ academic departments can apply to host a visiting scholar. To nominate a scholar, please contact the Fried Center for Global Engagement (intladvisor@hope.edu). Applications must be received by December 15 to be considered for the following academic year.

“Students and staff at Hope College are so wonderful!!  They are passionate about learning, teaching and harmonizing with each other like family members. My experience at Hope is an invaluable time in my life and I now see 鶹Ƶ and Holland as my second home!”  
Prof. Yasu Nishina, Fall 2015 MGU exchange professor


Please complete the application and return to the Center for Global Engagement by mail:

Center for Global Engagement
257 Columbia Ave.
P.O BOX 9000
Holland, MI 49422 – 9000, USA

Contact information

As noted above, the Center for Global Engagement, along with your assigned academic department and the international education coordinator, will be your main point of contact throughout your stay.