/ Campus Ministries

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Campus Ministries Small Groups

Small Group Bible Studies

Student Groups


Delight is a college women's community that grows together, serves together, learns together and does life together while chasing the heart of God. Our mission at Hope is to invite college women into Christ-centered community that fosters vulnerability and transforms through stories.  

Christ-centered community

The primary activity of Delight Ministries is to launch, grow and sustain Christ-centered women's communities at college campuses across the country. We work with passionate college women who yearn for deeper community on their campus by providing them with the training, tools, resources and encouragement needed to start and lead a Delight chapter. Delight is more than just a Bible study! Each community meets weekly to share stories of God at work. They also incorporate worship nights, opportunities to serve and fun get-togethers that help foster relationships. We fully believe in doing life together. Delight provides the opportunity for hundreds of women to Delight in the Lord together throughout their college journey. 

Foster Vulnerability

The heart of Delight Ministries is providing an environment for women to vulnerably share about how Christ has been at work in their lives. Our curriculum is made of up stories from college women sharing about the ups and downs of their faith journey. We've heard stories of depression, loneliness, heartbreak, identity crisis and pain, but the common theme throughout them all is that, even still, God is good. These stories are paired with scripture and discussion questions and are used weekly by all Delight communities. Stories of real women opens the door for authentic conversations and deep-rooted relationships. We truly believe in the power of vulnerability and how it impacts our relationship with Christ and others. 

Transform your Story

It's so easy to walk through out college and never encounter true community or a relationship with Jesus. Delight Ministries desires to change the college experience for women everywhere by helping them to transform their story. We believe that transformation happens when we live fully invested in pursuing Christ, vulnerability and community. Our stories become no longer about us, but rather about Christ in us.


Contact: delighthopecollege@gmail.com

Engineers Without Borders

Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is an organization which partners with disadvantaged communities to improve quality of life through implementation of environmentally, equitable and economically sustainable engineering projects. EWB-Hope is an interdisciplinary club at Hope College. This organization is seeking to improve communities on a local, national and international scale. We are currently aiming to raise community awareness of our chapter through service events and fundraising.

EWB-Hope currently has a program in Nkuv, Cameroon. Nkuv is a rural farming community with a population of 1,000 people. They lacked access to clean water, which caused multiple health problems. To solve this, Manz BioSand filters were implemented into the community. A gravity-fed distribution system was also implemented in order to give the community members easier access to the water. In addition to these projects, a community health education program has also been taught on every trip to the village.


Contact: ewb@hope.edu 

Hope Catholics

Hope Catholics strives to promote the spiritual growth of its members and to participate in the beautiful Christian family at Hope College. We seek to accomplish this by exploring the rich faith of Catholicism, serving in the Holland community and providing a welcoming atmosphere for fellowship and social interaction. Above all, our mission is to love God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength.

Learn more about Hope Catholics.

International Justice Mission (IJM)

IJM Hope is a campus chapter of International Justice Mission, full of students who are passionate about injustice and committed to fighting human trafficking and modern day slavery. 

Learn more about IJM Hope.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

"We desire to be a community that is transparent, transformative and missional. Where students don't merely survive in their faith, but thrive in their faith."

For more information like InterVaristy on .


Adult leader: Tracey Venema or email Intervarsity Christian Fellowship

Markets and Morality

Markets and Morality supports students as they examine the interplay of market forces through the lens of moral thought, including the precepts of the historic Christian faith, and facilitates a rigorous conversation about whether markets can contribute to human flourishing.


Faculty Advisor: Sarah Estelle

Nursing Christian Fellowship

Nurses' Christian Fellowship is an organization for any student interested in nursing, regardless of admittance to the nursing program at Hope. During our weekly gatherings, we often pray together, reflect on Scripture, encourage one another and have a time of fellowship, creating a place for nursing students to de-stress and enjoy community in a Christian setting. Throughout the year, we also have several other events, typically including an annual chili dinner, speakers, cookouts and more. Please join us on Friday afternoons from 3–3:45 p.m. in Graves 201. 

Student leader: Erin Schloff


St. Benedict Institute

The Saint Benedict Institute was founded by Catholic scholars at Hope College to engage the academy from an explicitly Catholic perspective and offer spiritual and intellectual formation to Catholic students. Through a variety of initiatives and with the cooperation of 鶹Ƶ’s Campus Ministries, the Union of Catholic Students and the Diocese of Grand Rapids, the Saint Benedict Institute provides an integral Catholic witness and seeks to strengthen Catholic identity among the Catholic students as well as encourage all Christians in their faith on the 鶹Ƶ campus.

Young Life College

YL Hope is a place for college students to experience community, adventure and significance, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We meet weekly for College Club where we want your name to be known, your story to be heard and your questions to be honored. Club meets Tuesdays at 8 p.m. at rotating locations on Hope's campus, from the House of Hope to the BSC patio.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God — what is good and acceptable and perfect.” —Romans 12:2