/ Residential Life and Housing

Move-In & Move Out

Move In

2024 Fall Semester New Student Move-In

We are excited to welcome you to campus on Thursday, August 22, 2024!

Before you leave home
Sign up for a check-in time: If you haven’t done this already, sign up for a 1.5-hour move-in time slot. If you haven’t yet, there is still time! Log into your .

Sign your Housing Agreement
Don’t forget to sign your 2024–2025 housing agreement prior to selecting your move-in time. The Housing Agreement can be found under “Apps & Forms” on the left-side menu in your .

What do I need to check in?
You will need to show us a form of photo identification when you check in. This can be a license, Hope ID (if you already have it) or old school ID. You should also have your Housing Portal login information. Make sure those are with you and readily available!

Mark all your belongings with your last name, building and room number!

While writing is good, a picture is probably better! Visit to get to Hope’s interactive map. There is an orientation option on the left navigation. Clicking on this will show you all the residence halls, suggested parking areas, as well as trash and recycling locations.

Arriving to campus
Can I see my room before move-in?
We know that many of you will arrive a day or two before move-in. While we understand that you are excited to see your new home, the Orientation and Residential Life staff are busy training and getting ready for your arrival, so we do not have the ability to show people their rooms early.

Where will I go?
You will be checking into both your housing assignment and Orientation at your residence hall. Below is more information on how you will drive to your location, but you will go straight to your hall to check in.

How do I get there?
Your chosen maps app will do a great job of getting you to campus! Once you are here, know that we close 10th Street and 13th Street to through traffic on move-in day. To help with traffic flow and maximize unloading zones, we also change them to one way streets between Columbia Ave, and College Ave. So, from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., 10th Street will be westbound only and 13th Street will be eastbound only. The mentioned above can help you visualize and understand these directions better.

Listed below are the streets you should use to access your unloading zone. Enter these streets from the appropriate direction, and Campus Safety officers will be there to meet you and give more specific instructions.

  • Gilmore, Phelps, Voorhees, Cook, VanVleck and Durfee will be accessed by going west on 10th Street.
  • Dykstra will be accessed by going east on 9th Street. (Note that 9th Street is always a one-way street going eastbound.)
  • Kollen, Wyckoff, Lichty, and Scott will be accessed going east on 13th Street.
  • If you are not in one of these locations, you will be checking in at the Housing Office. This office is in the hallway between the DeWitt Center and the Bultman Student Center.
  • If you are a commuter student, you can get your Orientation materials from the Orientation Station located on the first floor of the Bultman Student Center (across from the Kletz).

When can I enter the unloading zone?
If you are here before your scheduled check-in time, please park in one of the campus parking lots to wait for your check-in time. At that time, you can then move to 9th, 10th or 13th streets to unload.

When I’m on Campus
Checking in
Your residence hall will have a designated check-in table. Make your way to that table with your identification. Please make sure that someone who is with you stays with your car until it is unloaded and moved to permanent parking. At the table you will get your room key, move-in-day parking pass, Orientation materials and welcome bag. 

After you enter the unloading zone, Orientation Assistants (OAs), wearing orange, will greet you and unload your belongings into your room! While they start the unloading process, you can go to the check-in table. Those who are with you can help unload while you are getting your key, but please make sure that someone stays with your car while in the unloading zone.

Once I’ve checked in
Move your car/parking
At check-in you will receive a parking pass for move-in day that we have filled out with your contact information. Please place the parking pass on the dashboard of your vehicle so that it can be read from outside your car. When your vehicle has been unloaded, we ask that you move to a parking area right away.

The will guide you to suggested parking lots on campus to leave your vehicle while you unpack your belongings.

Get your ID
You will need your ID to access your hall and other campus buildings after 5 p.m. So, if you do not have your Hope ID yet, make your way to Martha Miller 239 to get your ID. will assist you in locating Martha Miller.

We hope this answered many of your move-in questions. If there is anything else you’d like to know, please reach out to housing@hope.edu

2024 Fall Semester Returning Student Move-In

We are excited to welcome you back to campus on Saturday, August 24!

Before you leave home
Sign up for a check-in time: If you haven’t done this already, sign up for a 1.5-hour move-in time slot. If you haven’t yet, there is still time! Log into your .

Sign your Housing Agreement
Don’t forget to sign your 2024–2025 housing agreement prior to selecting your move-in time. The Housing Agreement can be found under “Apps & Forms” on the left-side menu in your .

Checking In
If you are living in a residence hall or College East
You will go straight to your assigned hall to check in between 9 a.m.–4 p.m. If you arrive after 4 p.m., go to your residence hall and call the on-call number posted on the main entry. A member of the Residential Life staff will get you checked in and will provide your key. 

If you are living in a cottage or apartment
Most cottages and apartments are accessed using a code. If you live in a cottage or apartment with a code, your access code will be found in your under “Messages” 24 hours prior to your scheduled arrival. When you arrive on campus, you will go straight to your residence and will need to fill out the to let us know you have arrived (QR code will be posted on your door).

If you do not have an access code in your Housing Portal, it may be because the cottage or apartment uses your student ID or a key for entry.

  • If you live in Cook Village, College East, 47 E 13th (Nykerk), 55 E 14th (Kletz), DeYoung, Loraine-Lubbers, Strand or Zoetewey, you will use your student ID and PIN to access your home. When you arrive on campus, you will go straight to your residence and will need to fill out the check-in form to let us know you have arrived (QR code will be posted on your door).

  • If you live in 364-366-368 Triplex, Blue Cottage, Fairbanks Cottage, Gazelle, Kraker Annex, Nykamp, Oggel or Treehouse, you will need to go to the Student Development Office in the DeWitt Center to check in and get your cottage/apartment keys. If you arrive on campus after 4 p.m., your keys will be available to pick up at Campus Safety.

Traffic and Unloading
There will be a lot of you unloading cars in a small area at the same time. Whether you are living in a hall, cottage or apartment, please unload your car and move your car to a parking lot away from your housing to allow for others to unload. To facilitate this, 10th Street will be closed and flowing west from Columbia to College Ave.

2025 Spring Semester Move-In

New students may begin to move into their housing on Friday, January 3, 2025, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Please come to the Student Development Office (DeWitt Center, 141 E. 12th St., Holland) to check in and pick up your room key/code. More information will be provided to you via email in December regarding your housing, move-in and new student orientation.

Returning students may begin to move into their housing on Saturday, January 4, 2025, at 12 p.m. More information will be provided to you via email in December.

Move Out

2025 Spring Semester Move Out

College housing officially closes at the end of the spring semester for summer break at 5 p.m. on Friday, May 2, 2025.

Students are required to leave their campus housing within 24 hours of their last final exam or by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 2, 2025.

Instructions for move-out will be provided by the Residential Life staff during the required closing meetings.

Students who live on campus and who need to stay on campus later than 5 p.m. on Friday, May 2, must fill out the remain late request form. Remain late requests can only be sumitted for May 2, 3 or 4. Summer Housing begins on May 5 and summer housing charges apply.

Remain late requests are designed for students who need to remain on campus due to on-campus academic commitments, on-campus employment, coach-supported athletic events or delayed travel arrangements.

Remain late requests for personal reasons are reviewed but likely not granted. 

Arrive Early or Remain Late

Early Arrival or Remain Late Permission

Early arrival or remain late permission is limited to students who need to be on campus prior to the beginning of the semester or after the end of the semester because of an on-campus job/research, athletics, student leaders or pre-orientation/academic program and those who are unable to travel home for break, and who have approval from their supervisor, coach or faculty/staff program leader.

If you fall into one of these categories, you will need to receive approval from the Housing Office. To request a late stay or early arrival, which can be found in your under Apps & Forms. More complete directions are outlined below.

Note: For students who are unable to travel home and will be with us for all of semester break, please complete a Remain Late stay request for December 13 through December 31, 2024, and an Early Arrival Request starting January 1 through January 5, 2025.

Students requesting early arrival or remain late stay permission for personal reasons will have their application reviewed but likely not granted. Should the request be approved, the student will be billed accordingly. Charges are as follows:

  • Early arrival/Remain late for personal reasons: $75 per day for each day prior to or after the scheduled move-in/move-out day.
  • Remain Late Stay at the end of the spring semester: Students who stay beyond the end of the spring semester for personal reasons will be billed the Summer Housing rate as posted on the Cost of Attendance website.

Fall Semester Early Arrival
The Early Arrival Request Form will be available in the students on August 1, 2024. Please watch for an email from Residential Life and Housing with details for move-in weekend and how to request early arrival permission. All requests must be submitted by Sunday, August 18, 2024. Requests received after this deadline will not be reviewed.

Fall Semester Remain Late
The Remain Late Request form will be available in the students under Apps & Forms starting November 20, 2024. All requests must be submitted by Sunday, December 8, 2024. Requests received after this deadline will not be reviewed.

Spring Semester Early Arrival
The Early Arrival Request From will be available in the students under Apps & Forms starting November 20, 2024. All requests must be submitted by Wednesday, January 1, 2025. Requests received after this deadline will not be reviewed.

Spring Semester Remain Late
The Remain Late Request form will be available on April 8, 2024. Please watch for an email from Residential Life and Housing with information about semester closing and the remain late process. All requests must be submitted by Sunday, April 28, 2024. Requests received after this deadline will not be reviewed.

Instructions on How to Complete a Remain Late or Early Arrival Request
  • Access the
  • Sign in with your 1Hope username and password
  • Click on “Apps and Forms” on the left of the screen
  • Select “Late Stay Request” or “Early Arrival Request”
  • Fill out the form indicating the days that you will be staying on campus and submit
  • You will receive an email indicating that your request has been submitted
  • Your request will be reviewed by the Housing Office, and you will get an email indicating whether your request has been approved or denied