We’re here for you! Stop in to the Student Life office to ask questions, raise concerns, make connections or share big ideas.
While each member of the Student Life team oversees specific campus organizations, we are eager to engage with 100% of Hope’s students.
Ellen Awad
Associate Dean for Student Life616.395.7934
awad@hope.eduBultman Student Center Suite 107 272 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423-3607
Andrew Haggerty
Assistant Director of Student Life616.395.7178
haggerty@hope.eduDeWitt Student Cultural Center 141 East 12th Street Holland, MI 49423
Stacey Headley
Office Assistant for Student Life616.395.7942
headley@hope.eduBultman Student Center 272 Columbia Avenue Holland, MI 49423
workP. 616.395.7942