/ Student Life

Appropriations Guidelines

These guidelines will help as you craft your budget proposal for the next academic year.

All final decisions are at the discretion of the Appropriations Committee. Decisions are made based on future projections for the organization, past spending habits, care of previously funded requests, how requested funding will help achieve the mission of the individual organization and the college, and adherence to Hope’s Good Standing policy. All requests may be fully funded, partially funded or not funded at all.

1. Publicity Materials
  1. A budget allocation of $50 is designated for publicity materials, including posters, flyers, stickers, advertisements, etc.
  2. Exceptions: Funding may be extended to programs or groups that reach more than 50% of the student population
  3. Requests for additional funding may be submitted on an ad hoc basis as needed.
2. Income
  1. Groups are required to report every form of income within the income section of their budget. Groups with anticipated income from last year's budget are expected to meet the projected amounts unless specified otherwise. If expected income is not met at the point of budgeting, funding for next year will be assessed based on the .
3. Cost Breakdown
  1. A detailed cost breakdown must accompany each budget submission.
  2. Any surplus generated from sales must be restored to the budget at the end of the fiscal year.
  3. If the total cost for a capital request exceeds $5,000, student groups must participate in fundraising efforts to cover 10% of the total cost. Fundraising proposals must be presented, demonstrating a genuine effort, before the committee. If the fundraising goal is not met, the group will be required to reduce the total cost to less than $5,000 or withdraw the request. (Goes into effect budgeting of 2026-2027)
4. T-Shirt Funding
  1. Funding for T-shirts is generally not permitted
  2. Exceptions: Giveaway items and capital requests
    1. Giveaway: Every attendee at an event has an equal opportunity to receive an item. These events must be open to the general student body.
    2. Capital Requests: Uniform T-shirts or polos for members, provided they remain with the group for a minimum of three years.
      1. Requests for additional uniforms outside of the three-year period may be considered only due to an increase in membership requiring uniform attire.
      2. When requesting, groups must provide tracking information on uniforms over past years to demonstrate the ability to retain uniforms.
        1. Ex. In 2022, 20 shirts were purchased, in 2023 18 shirts remain. Mention the reason for the shirt discrepancy whether lost, destroyed, or other.
    3. Funding for hoodies, pants, or items beyond short-sleeved uniform shirts will not be provided.
5. Event Inclusivity
  1. Events and dinners must not be exclusive to Executive Board members or group leadership; opportunities must be made available to all general members for funding.
6. Retreat Funding
  1. Student groups may receive funding for up to one retreat per academic year.
  2. Student groups that intend to host overnight retreats are required to demonstrate student engagement and buy-in for the retreat, which should align with community-oriented student travel in the .
7. Gifts
  1. The committee will approve gifts and thank-you notes for speakers, with a maximum allocation of $50 per speaker for gifts.
  2. The committee will not approve gifts for birthdays, holidays, or other occasions for general or executive members.
8. Guest Speaker Funding
  1. The committee will approve up to $2,000 per speaker for speaker fees.
  2. Requests for hotel accommodations and meals will be considered as separate requests.
9. Movies
  1. All groups wanting to hold movie events should contact Student Life prior to planning the event.
10. Food
  1. Funding for snacks during general meetings is not permitted.
  2. Student Groups are prohibited from cooking meals unless prior approval is obtained and nutritional information is provided.
11. Photobooth Funding
  1. Funding for photo booths will only be approved for events that engage at least 50% of the student body.
12. Non-Student Event Attendees
  1. Ticket Purchase Requirements
    1. Non-student attendees must purchase tickets for all ticketed events unless otherwise specified. Ticket sales will be recorded as income for the group, contributing to our overall funding.
  2. Free Entry for Speaker Events
    1. Non-student attendees will be granted free entry to non-ticketed without tangible items.
  3. Events with Tangible Items Provided
    1. For events where tangible items, such as food or supplies, are provided to attendees, non-student attendees will be required to purchase tickets.
13. Supplies
  1. Student Life will provide paper products such as plates, bowls, cups, utensils, and napkins. You can pick these materials up at Student Life during regular business hours.
14. Stipends
  1. Eligibility is outlined in the .
  2. Groups wishing to have their stipends reinstated must provide job descriptions for each stipend role with areas of success and improvement by the time of their budgeting presentation.
  3. Groups wishing to have their stipends reconsidered must follow the process established by the Co-Curricular Activities Committee.
15. Co-Sponsored Events
  1. For spring budgeting, a description of what each organization will be responsible for will be required, but each organization can request the funding as a line item in their respective budget.
  2. For mid-year ad hoc requests related to co-sponsored events, one group must submit the request on behalf of all relevant organizations.
16. Canva Funding
  1. A Canva subscription can be requested at $120 to assist with publicity and promotional materials.
17. Mileage Reimbursement
  1. When traveling to and from campus it is recommended that groups use vehicles available through 鶹Ƶ Transportation Services. Mileage reimbursement will not be provided to students who wish to travel in their personal vehicles.
  2. A reimbursement rate of $0.45/per mile will be provided to guests of the college (speakers, musicians, etc.) when traveling for a student organization sponsored event.
    1. A breakdown of where the individual is coming to and from must be provided at the time of the request.
    2. Reimbursements for flights will be considered if the cost of gas exceeds the price of a flight.
  3. Advisors can receive a mileage reimbursement of $0.45/per mile which is consistent with the 鶹Ƶ Employee Travel and Entertainment Policy.
18. Appeals Process
  1. Appeals will be handled on a case-by-case basis. To submit an appeal, email the appropriations committee with a detailed explanation of why your request should be reconsidered. The Controller, Vice Controller, and Appropriations Advisor(s) will then review the request and present it to the committee. The committee will then vote on whether to reintroduce your request for further consideration.