/ Registrar's Office

Registration and Schedules

Prepare for registration by following the steps below.


All new students will first need to apply for admission to Hope and pay the deposit before they can register.

If you are a dual-enrolled high school student or other non-degree-seeking student, you need to reapply through Admissions for each semester you wish to attend.

The below process is for continuing degree-seeking students. Incoming first-years, incoming transfers, dual-enrolled and other non-degree seeking students will be contacted separately about registration for their first semester at Hope.


If you are currently studying off campus, you will receive an email from the Registrar's Office with instructions on how to register for the next semester. You should still follow these steps to make sure you register for the right courses to stay on track to graduate.

If you have been approved to study on an off-campus program for the next semester, the Registrar’s Office will handle your registration for you. We receive the list of approved students from the program directors.


The following information is only for fall and spring registration. There is a different process for summer registration. All academic dates, including withdrawal deadlines, are listed on the Academic Calendar.

SCHEDULE OF COURSES PUBLISHED March 5 at 5 p.m. The fall 2025 and spring 2026 will be published.
CHECK YOUR REGISTRATION TIME & HOLDS March 5 at 5 p.m. Your registration time and any holds you may have will be posted in plus.hope.edu.
PRE-REGISTRATION ADVISING March 10–28 Meet with your advisor to go over your registration plans and obtain your registration PIN. Make sure you prepare for your advising meeting ahead of time. Contact instructors for any course overrides you need.
REGISTRATION BEGINS March 31 – April 4 Register for classes beginning at your assigned time. If you need help registering, contact us as soon as possible so that we can help you. We are open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
REGISTRATION PAUSES April 7 at 7 a.m. Registration pauses at 7 a.m. so departments can review their waitlists and determine if they can add new sections or increase existing capacity.

Registration reopens at 12 p.m. and automated waitlisting will begin. Students who are first on waitlists for courses that have open seats will receive email notifications, inviting them to add the course.

You can also make changes to your schedule at this time or register for classes if you haven't already. You can add open courses, waitlist for closed/waitlisted courses, and drop courses.


Automated waitlisting will end. If you've received a waitlist notification before this time, you will still be able to add your notified class, until your deadline.

You can still add yourself to existing waitlists during this time, but you will not be notified if a seat opens up in a class, and you will not be able to add the class online.


Online registration and schedule changes in plus.hope.edu will no longer be available for the semester. Schedule changes can only be made with email permissions from instructors and advisors, using the .


Final deadline to drop or add full semester and first-half courses.


Final deadline to drop or add last-half courses.


You will be able to check your registration time in . Times will be posted in March for fall registration and in October for spring registration.

Readmitting students may register with continuing students once their deposit is paid.

  1. Login to 
  2. Go to "Registrar and Student Accounts"
  3. Go to "Registration"
  4. Go to "Registration Status"
  5. Select the term you are registering for (not the current term)

The date and time listed under "From" is the earliest time you may register. The "To" time is the last time you may register in your normal registration group.


You must resolve any holds listed in  before you can register. If you have a hold, you may not be able to register for classes. To look up holds:

  1. Login to 
  2. Go to "Registrar and Student Accounts"
  3. Go to "Registration"
  4. Go to "Registration Status" and select the term for which you will be registering
  5. If you have no holds, it will say, "You have no holds which prevent registration." If you have holds, it will say so, and you will need to click "View Holds" at the bottom of the page to find out what they are.

Below is a list of offices that manage different types of holds. Contact the appropriate office to talk about resolving the hold. If you have financial holds, and you pay your balance online, you still need to contact Business Services after you pay to ask them to remove the hold.


You’ll need to contact the office listed for the following holds:

Business Services

  • Financial
  • Former Student
  • Monthly Payments Past Due


  • Health Hold

Student Development

  • Behavior Hold

Registrar’s Office

  • No Major Declared
  • Transfer Student Missing Transcript
  • Registrar Hold


Planning ahead by completing the steps in the menus below will make for a smoother registration process. Classes fill up quickly, so it is important to have course alternates.


Check your Degree Works to see what Anchor Plan and major/minor requirements you’ve completed and what you still need to complete. If you are planning on a specific major, but haven't yet declared it, run a What If in Degree Works. Be prepared to discuss this with your advisor. This will help you make sure you're on track for graduation.


The Schedule Planner is a scheduling tool available in (Registrar and Student Accounts > Registration > Schedule Planner). It allows you to block off times you can't have class, choose the courses you need to take, generate possible schedules and save the CRNs in your Registration Cart for easy registration when your time opens up.

You may want to make a note of alternate courses, in case your first choice ones fill up.

You can also check the  to see what is being offered. If you prefer to plan out your schedule on paper, here is a schedule planner PDF.

If you plan to take an applied music lesson, please complete the lesson request form located on the Music Department website.

Although the class schedule is published on a yearly basis, registration is done on a semester  basis.


You will need to schedule a time to meet with your primary advisor during pre-registration advising. Your advisor should help you plan your schedule for next semester and give you your registration PIN.

  1. Plan on discussing your Degree Works and your planned courses with your advisor, and talk about course options. Bring any questions you may have.
  2. Collect your PIN from your advisor.
  3. Some courses have restrictions as indicated on the . If the course is flagged PERMISSION or you have not fulfilled a course requirement (prerequisite, etc.) but still want to take the course, talk to the instructor about completing a for you.

If you have not yet declared a major or are thinking about switching majors, some departments offer .

If you have completed a major declaration form that has not yet been processed by the Registrar's Office, but you have already been assigned a registration time, your previous advisor will have your PIN. You should still meet with your new advisor, but you will need to get your PIN from your previous one.

If you know you cannot register during registration week (due to holds, etc.), you still must meet with your advisor to make sure you are choosing the right courses to stay on track for graduation and to get your PIN. Once you resolve your hold, you will be able to register using your PIN.

Even if you know which classes you want to take and are completely prepared for registration, you still need to meet with your advisor so that you can get your registration PIN.


A registration PIN is used to access the "Register for Classes" section in when your registration time opens up. This PIN is different than the PIN you use to log in. You will receive your registration PIN from your advisor when you meet during pre-registration advising.



Restricted courses are courses that have requirements that need to be fulfilled before you can register for the class. If you have not met a requirement, you will receive an error message when you try to add the class to your schedule.

If you want to take a class without having first met these requirements, you must contact the instructor of the course and request they complete the on your behalf. Then the Registrar's Office will code an override on your account and email you a confirmation that you can register. If the class is full, add yourself to the waitlist. The override is only valid for the course restrictions, not for going over the seat limit.

If you’re taking a prerequisite course at another college during the summer, you need an override before you can register for the advanced course at Hope. You are responsible for making sure your official transcript from the other college is sent to Hope as soon as your grade is posted, so that the credit can be added to your record. If you do not send your final graded transcript, you may be dropped from the advanced course.


Some courses are flagged with PERMISSION on the . Follow the instructions listed in the course note, for example, "Permission of instructor required, via the Course Override Form." The instructor will need to complete a on your behalf. Once the Registrar's Office has receive the request from the instructor, we will process it and you will receive email notification that you may register for the class.

Permission overrides for music ensembles and lessons are typically handled by the Music Department.


If an override has been submitted for you and processed by our office, you will be able to view it in by going to Registrar and Student Accounts > Registration > Registration Status. The type of override and the course/CRN will be listed.


You will need to get permission from the Registrar's Office to take more than 18 credits. Email our office and we will review your request.


If you are a currently-enrolled (or deposit-paid readmitting) degree-seeking student, when you register is based on your earned credits. This does not include classes you are currently taking. The more earned credits you have, the sooner you can register.

You will receive an email about a month prior to registration with details about your registration. Details are also listed below.

If you can't register during registration week due to holds, etc., you can still register later, using the registration PIN you receive from your advisor.

Readmitting students who have paid a deposit prior to registration week will register at the same time as continuing students.


Your registration time is when you can start registering for classes in plus.hope.edu. You may register any time after your time, however, you should still try to register for 1216 credits to ensure your full time status and accurate billing.

If you used the Schedule Planner and saved a schedule in you cart, you can register using the Shopping Cart in plus.hope.edu. Alternatively, if you have the CRNs of the sections you want to register for, you can submit those manually. In plus.hope.edu, go to Registrar and Student Accounts, then Registration, then Register for Classes and Add/Drop Classes.

You can't register and/or waitlist for mutitple sections of the same course. If your preferred section is full, and you cannot register for an open section due to a conflict, you should waitlist for your preferred section.

If an instructor completed a for you, and you received a confirmation email from the Registrar's Office, you are responsible for registering yourself for the class. If the class has filled up by the time you register, you will need to waitlist for it.

We recognize that this is the first time some of you are registering online. Or, maybe this is not your first semester, but you encounter an issue you've never seen before. We urge you to contact us as soon as you have trouble registering, so that we can assist you effectively. We are open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You may email, call or walk in.

If you want to make changes to your schedule after you've registered, it's easiest to do it manually, rather than via the Schedule Planner. Using your Printable Term Schedule in plus.hope.edu, along with the , make a note of the CRNs you want to change. Then make the changes in the Register for Classes and Add/Drop Classes screen in plus.


Below are common errors you might see when registering online. Contact us if you need help troubleshooting any issues.

You may register during the following times

You have tried to register too early for classes. Check your registration time on .

No Registration Time Ticket

Make sure you selected the correct registration term. Log out, log back in and select the term you want to register for, not the current term.

If you applied to graduate, you will not have a time ticket assigned for terms beyond your graduation date. Contact Liz Steenwyk to change your graduation date.

Closed - ### WAITLISTED

This class is full and you can add yourself to the waitlist. Read the waitlist procedures to ensure that you correctly place yourself on the waitlist.


The class has open seats, but a waitlist has already started. You can add yourself to the waitlist. Read the waitlist procedures to ensure that you correctly place yourself on the waitlist.


The class has open seats, but a waitlist has started and another student has been notified of the opening. You can add yourself to the waitlist. Read the waitlist procedures to ensure that you correctly place yourself on the waitlist.


You tried to register and/or waitlist for one or more sections of the same course. Choose one section and resubmit it in plus.hope.edu.

If you are trying to register for two sections of a topical course, for example, two sections of PSY 395 that have different titles, then call, email, or stop into our office and we will override that for you.

Time Conflict with CRN XXXXX

There is a time conflict with the listed class. Choose a different section or course. If you wish to override the conflict, first register for all other courses online, then make an arrangement with the instructors on how you will work around the conflict. Email dropadd@hope.edu and we'll enter an override for you and let you know when you can register. Instructors may also request time conflict overrides for students using the Course Override Form.

Linked Course Required

You probably forgot to add the required activity or lecture section of the class. Check the for linked course requirements and add all CRNs to the boxes before choosing “Submit Changes.”

If you are adding all required CRNs, but still getting the error, one or more sections most likely have a waitlist. Contact the Registrar's Office so that staff can override this for you.

Prerequisite not met

You have not met the prerequisite requirement(s) listed for that course on the . You will need to choose a different course or contact the instructor to obtain an override.

If you are registering for fall, and you plan to take a prerequisite course at another college over the summer, contact the instructor of your fall course about an override. You will need to make sure to have your official graded transcript sent to the Hope Registrar's Office by the other school. Our office should receive it the week before fall classes start in order to confirm your transfer credit, so that you can remain in your fall class.


You need permission from the person listed in the error message before you can register for the course. Contact them to request an override.

Corequisite Required

There is a corresponding course that you need to register for as well, as listed on the . You need to add all CRNs for the corequisites at the same time. If you are adding all required CRNs, but still getting an error, one or more sections most likely has a waitlist. Contact the Registrar's Office so that staff can override this for you.

If you wish to only take one of the courses, contact the instructor about obtaining an override.

If you've already taken corequisite courses but want to retake one of the parts in order to improve your grade, email dropadd@hope.edu so that we can give you an override. You don't need instructor permission for this.

Field of study restriction

You must have the declared major listed for that course on the . If you need to declare your major, you should complete a major declaration form. Otherwise, contact the instructor about an override.

Class Standing (FR, SO, JR, SR) Restriction

You do not have the correct number of earned credits to register for this course. The class standing required is listed in the note under the course on the . You need to choose a different course or contact the instructor about an override.


The course is restricted to students who started at Hope in a specific term. The term restriction is listed in the note under the course on the . You need to choose a different course or contact the instructor about an override.


During registration, courses may fill up, but you can add yourself to the waitlist. Automated waitlisting is not enabled during the first week of registration. Waitlists will be started for full classes, but students will not yet be able to add open seats, even if they are first on the waitlist.

On the Monday after registration week, at 7 a.m., online registration closes temporarily while departments review their waitlists. They determine if they can create new sections of courses or increase existing course capacity.

On the Tuesday after registration week, at 12 p.m., online registration will reopen and automated waitlisting will begin. Students who are first on the waitlist for a course that has open seats will automatically receive an email, inviting them to add the class. It is imperative that you check your email regularly and watch for notifications of seats opening up. See below for more details.

Automated waitlisting will remain active until Wednesday of the first week of the semester. Online registration will remain active until Friday of the first week of the semester.

If you no longer wish to register for a class you waitlisted for, please remove yourself from the waitlist. This gives departments the most accurate representation of students interested in their classes, and allows other students to be notified of seat openings.


In plus.hope.edu, you can waitlist for any closed/waitlisted class. Follow these steps to make sure you fully add yourself to the waitlist.

  1. In plus.hope.edu, go to Registrar and Student Accounts, then Registration, then Register for Classes and Add/Drop Classes.
  2. Enter the CRN you wish to register for.
  3. You will get any of the following waitlisted errors, depending on the status of the course: "Closed - ### Waitlisted," "Open - ### Waitlisted," or "Open - Reserved for Waitlist." The number in the error message is the number of students already on the waitlist.
  4. Select the drop down next to the course and choose "Waitlist."
  5. Then select "Submit Changes." If you do not do this step, you will not be added to the waitlist.

To verify you are on the waitlist, go back to the Register for Classes and Add/Drop Classes screen. Classes you are waitlisted for will have a status of "Waitlisted."

You can also see your waitlist position on your Student Detail Schedule in plus.hope.edu.

Waitlisted courses do not count in your total registered credits, and they do not appear on your Student Term Schedule or in Degree Works.

Note that you will not be able to waitlist (or register) for multiple sections of the same course.


Once automated waitlisting is enabled, if you are first on a waitlist, you will automatically receive an email notification if a spot has opened up in your waitlisted class.

The subject line of the email is, "Waitlist Notification for XXXXX," X being the the CRN of the course. The email will tell you the deadline by which you need to register for the course in plus.hope.edu. Details for how to do that are below.

Initially, the deadline to register for a notified class will be 48 hours after the notification is sent. During the summer, we may extend the deadline. We may shorten the deadline as the semester approaches. We will update this page and notify you via email as we make those determinations.


If you've been notified that a seat has opened up in your waitlisted class, you have until the deadline listed in the email to register for the class in plus.hope.edu.

To register, go to: Registrar and Student Accounts, then Registration, then Register for Classes and Add/Drop Classes. Select "Registered" from the dropdown next to the course. Then Submit to save your changes.

You will always have the full notification period in order to register for the course. If you encounter errors or you accidentally drop the course, you can still go back during the notification period and register. Your spot will not be taken by another student during this time.

If you miss your deadline, you will be dropped from the waitlist, and the next student on the waitlist will be notified of the opening. You will not be notified of missing your deadline. If you still wish to take the course, you will have to add yourself back to the waitlist.